key terms

By noah26
  • Declaration of independecne

    Declaration of independecne
    The DoI is the document that declares freedom of the 13 colonies from great britain. Thomas Jefferson wrote the majority of it and John Hancock has the largest signature on the document.
  • John Trumbull Sr.

     John Trumbull Sr.
    John Trumbull Sr. was a pre revolutionary war govern and a post governer of the revoltunary war, The mascot at UCONN is names johnathan in his honer.
  • U.S. Constitution

     U.S. Constitution
    US Constitution. is a document that states the fundemental laws that the United States govern. some famouse or important people involed are James Madison, Benjamin Franklin.
  • Eminent Domain

    Eminent Domain
    the right of a government to take away private property for public use, with payment of compensation.
  • Bill OF rights

    Bill OF rights
    The bill of rights in a name for the first ten amaendemens in the US constition. famous people durin this are the same that helped with the consitution because this is apart of it.
  • Fifth Amendment

    Fifth Amendment
    The 5th amendemant states that no one shall be help to answer for a capital of infamouse crime unless presented by a grand jury.
  • John Hancock

     John Hancock
    He was a strong patriot of the war. He was also the 2nd president of the continental congress. hE WAS A STATESMAN and merchant during his time. Most known for his LARGE signature on the Declaration of Independence
  • John Peter Muhlenberg

     John Peter Muhlenberg
    He was an american clergyman and continental soldier during the american revolutionary war.served in the us house of repersentive.
  • Benjamin Rush

    Benjamin Rush
    Was a founding father of the US, Civic leader in Philly. polititcan educator, social reformer served as a surgeon in the conitnetal army,
  • John Jay

    John Jay
    American statesman. sighner of the treaty of Paris and served as the very first chief in justice of the united states of america
  • Charles Carroll

    Charles Carroll
    Was a weathly Maryland planter and an eary advocate of freedom from great britain.
  • John Witherspoon

    John Witherspoon
    Was known as being one of the founding father. was a minister and arepersentive of new jersey. Also signed the declaration of independence.