The vietnam war in picture 01

Korea vs. Vietnam Timeline

  • Japan Invades Vietnam

    Japan Invades Vietnam
    oJapan first invades Vietnam
  • Vietam dealing with the Frent and Japanese

    Vietam dealing with the Frent and Japanese
    o Vietnam kicked out the Japanese when the Japanese lost in the Cold War
    o French return to Vietnam
    o Guerilla against the French
  • The UN and Mac Arthur

    The UN and Mac Arthur
    o North Korea invades South Koreao UN passes resolution to send an international force to Korea to protect South Korea from Northern invasiono Mac Arthur launches a surprise attack.o The UN troops push North Koreans to the Chinese border
  • Mac Arthurs attack against China

    Mac Arthurs attack against China
    o Chinese push UN and South Korean troops out of North Koreao Mac Arthur calls for a nuclear attack against China and Turman removes him for his insubordination
  • UN gains control of South Korea

    UN gains control of South Korea
    o UN troops get control of Soth Korea again
  • Cease fire agreement

    Cease fire agreement
    o Both North Korea and the UN forces sign the cease fire agreement
  • Vietnam's Partition

    Vietnam's Partition
    oHo Chi Minh defeats the Frencho Vietnam is pertitioned along the 17th parallel after the Geneva Peace Confrence
    o The North side became communist and the South became the opposite, anticommunist
  • Anticommunism

    oThe US and France set a anticommunist government (puppet gov.)o US feared that South Vietnam would become communist
    o During the Korean War battles were fought with large armies in Vietnam
  • First Invation and First American troop

    First Invation and First American troop
    o The 1st American troop arrived to Vietnam (escalating)o In Korea it all started with a sudden invasion of the South by the North
  • After the US left Vietnam

    After the US left Vietnam
    o The United States agreed on leaving Vietnam under the condition that the North would not invade the South of Vietnam
    o The North side continued attacking the South after the United States had left
  • How it all ended..

    How it all ended..
    o All Vietnam became communisto In Korea the cease fire agreement allowed both sides to stay and haave mutual respect