Korean Vietnam Timeline

  • 38th parallel

    38th parallel
    Korea is divided into two countries, South Korea (fighting with the capitalists side) was controlled by U.S.A. North Korea (fighting with the communists side) was controlled by the USSR.
  • Bombs dropped at Hiroshima and Nagasaki

    Bombs dropped at Hiroshima and Nagasaki
    The U.S. drops the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima.
    A second atomic bomb is dropped in Nagasaki.
  • Truman Doctrine

    Truman Doctrine
    Truman gives a speech saying that the U.S. will help South Korea, and any country that is fighting communists. He was going to do everything to contain communism and expand capitalism.
  • North Korea invades South Korea

    North Korea invades South Korea
    North Korea invade the 38th parallel with tanks, and overmatching the South Korean forces. North Korea was able to continue invading up until the capital of Seoul.
  • U.S and China joins the Korean war.

    U.S and China joins the Korean war.
    U.S. enters war again, and helps the South to win their territory back, pushing their way to Pyongyang, the capital of North Korea.
    China joins the communist side North Korea. It was because of their help that the North was able to push de U.S. and South Korea’s armies back toward the 38th parallel.
  • End of Korean War

    End of Korean War
    The UN forces and South Korea to sign a cease-fire agreement. North and South Korea remained seperated ever since, ruled under two different governments with different ideas and goals. But, afterward, specific people (representatives) from each army (U.S. and China) meet in Geneva to talk about uniting Korea, but fail because they can’t come to an agreement.
  • China and USSR help North Vietnam

    China and USSR help North Vietnam
    China an the Soviet Union (communists) were helping out Ho Chi Minh out with the war by sending supplies. This weakened the US and Southern Vietnam. Because of this the US forces bombed millions of acresof land and possible hideouts.
  • US gets invloved with Vietnam War.

    US gets invloved with Vietnam War.
    By this year, more than over 185,000 soldeirs were sent to Vietnam to fight. Also, they bombed many places that could potentially be enemy hideouts, for example forests and farmland. The U.S was the only other country that was involved with helping the capitalist side.
  • Paris Peace Accords

    Paris Peace Accords
    This was made to end the Vietnam war and to establish peace, temporarily stoping the combat between North Vietnam and South Vietnam.
  • End of Vietnam War

    End of Vietnam War
    On this date the war finally broke out. Vietnam was now once again united without any division. This occurred because the U.S began Vietnamization, which was to draw U.S soldiers out of Vietnam, because people in the homefront began to protest. Northern Vietnam was able to conqour Southern Vietnam making it the end of the war, and also making all of Vietnam communist.