landmark timeline ARLENE

  • Plessy v.Ferguson

    Plessy v.Ferguson
    separate car act included separate railways for blacks and whites, the decision was separation was constitutional as long as it was "equal". Homer Plessy who wanted to ride in the all whote rail road took this matter to court and the decision was that seggregation was legal as lomg as it was equal.
  • Brown v. the Board of Education, Topeka

    Brown v. the Board of Education, Topeka
    Declared separation of Black students and Whitestudents unconstitutional, Ordered desegregation of schools. Oliver Brown wanted to enroll his daughter in an all white school because it was closer to his home was not allowed and he took this to court, the decision was to desegrate schools.
  • Title IV

    Title IV
    Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965, this act gave educational resources of colleges and universities to provide financial assistance for students in post-secondary and higher education.
  • The bilingual Education Act

    The BEA was first introduced by senator Ralph Yarborough and later signed by president Lyndon B. This act allowed school to teach student in their natice language as well as in English to help them succeed in the transition to the new language.
  • Education of all Handicapped Children Act

    Education of all Handicapped Children Act
    allow public schools to accept funds for students with mental and physical dissabilities. And place thhis students in the less restrictive enviroment.
  • Preganacy Discrimination act

    WIth this act women can no longer be discriminated for being pregnant nor child birth, they sall have the same opportunities for employment and benefits. This law was a response to the court General Electric VS Gilbert
  • Pyler v. Doe

    Pyler v. Doe
    Supreme Court ruled that the 14th amendment prohibits states from denying a free public education to undocumented immigrant children regardless of their immigrion status. The issue leading to this landmark was James Plyler a Super intendent at Tyler School District began to charge a tuition fee of 1,000 dollars for each illegal student.
  • Honig Vs Doe

    After John Doe a student with disabilities and behaiboral issues was supended from school, the school was accused of violating the EAHCA. Doe filed a lawsuit but the ruling was that school were able to suspend disable student for a 10 day period if they were in danger of harming other or themselves and after the suspension re-evaluation of EIP will be needed to discuss proper placement;
  • florence county school district iv v shannon carter

    Shannon Carter a student with a learning disability had an IEP in High School that garanteed 4 months of progress in a school year. Shannon's parents were not satified and placed her in a private school and suit the school district for a reimbursment after losing the due process and the review once the case got to the supreme court the ruling was that parents are entitled to a reimbursement of tuition if the school distric is not providing adequate IEP.
  • Winkelman v. Parma City School District

    The Winkelmens Jacob's parents who is a student with disabilities wanted to suit the school district for education reimbursment but the school disctrict argued that in order to suit them they need an attorney, The Winkelmens dicided to suit and the ruling was that parents of students with disabilies can suit the school district without an attorney.