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Latin and South America Independence

  • José de San Martín

    José de San Martín
    He was a military and politician from the River Plate and one of the liberators of Argentina, Chile and Peru.
  • First conspiracy boards against the viceroyalty?

    First conspiracy boards against the viceroyalty?
    The first boards are born to conspire against the viceroyalty, among the most important
    that of Valladolid and that of Querétaro in charge of the magistrate Domínguez and his wife Josefa.
  • First Cry of Independence

    First Cry of Independence
    In the territory of the Royal Audiencia of Quito, they are considered the germ of the independence movements that ended up forming the current Republic of Ecuador.
  • What was the cry of pain?

    What was the cry of pain?
    El Grito de Dolores es considerado el acto con que dio inicio la guerra de Independencia de México. Según la tradición, consistió en el llamado que el cura Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla, en compañía de Ignacio Allende, Juan Aldama, con el fin de que se levantaran en armas contra la Nueva España para lo cual tocó una de las campanas de la Parroquia del Pueblo de Dolores
  • Mutiny of August 2, 1810

    Mutiny of August 2, 1810
    It was a citizen revolt that occurred in Quito, capital of the then Royal Chancellery of Quito, in which a group of patriots entered with the intention of liberating the heroes.
  • The insurgents are defeated?

    The insurgents are defeated?
    In Puente de Calderón the insurgents are defeated and go north where they
    Hidalgo, Allende, Aldama and Abasolo, are judged, shot and beheaded by hanging their heads in
    the corners of the Alhóndiga de granaditas.
  • Simón Bolívar named "Liberator"

    Simón Bolívar named "Liberator"
    Simón Bolívar-Member of the Caraqueña boards of
    1811- he was appointed the new military leader, and in 1813 he liberated Mérida and Caracas in the so-called Admirable Campaign, they gave him the title of "Liberator"
  • The Battles of the Stones in Uruguay

    The Battles of the Stones in Uruguay
    In the Banda Oriental, the rural population rose up against the Spanish authorities in Montevideo. Colonel José Artigas commanded the revolutionary troops that defeated the royalists at the Battle of Las Piedras

    Another federalist initiative was led by General José de San Martín, who promoted the Congress of Tucumán, which founded the United Provinces of South America
  • Battle of Chacabuco.

    Battle of Chacabuco.
    It was a decisive contest for the Independence of Chile in which the Army of the Andes fought, resulting in a firm victory for General José de San Martín.

    Aunque San Martín sufrió una grave derrota en Cancha Rayada (19/03-1818), triunfó en la batalla decisiva de Maipú, asegurando la independencia de Chile.
  • Independence of New Granada

    Independence of New Granada
    Bolívar crossed the Andes and defeated the royalists in the battle of Pantano de Vargas, that sealed the independence of New Granada.
  • Brazil is declared as a territorial base

    Brazil is declared as a territorial base
    When Napoleon invaded Portugal, John VI took refuge in Brazil (1807) and
    Later he promoted a legal reform (1815) by declaring Brazil as a territorial base
  • Venezuela's independence

    Venezuela's independence
    A few months later, the royalist army was defeated in the battle of Carabobo, the final victory of Venezuela's independence
  • What was the consequence of the independence of Mexico?

    What was the consequence of the independence of Mexico?
    It was the consequence of a political and social process resolved with arms, which put an end to Spanish rule

    On the banks of the Ipiranga stream, Don Pedro proclaimed the Independence of Brazil with a cry that we remember as "Cry of Ipiranga"

    Puerto Rico, continues within the Spanish system until the war between EE. UU and Spain.
  • The Cry of Baire

    The Cry of Baire
    Promoted by Florencio Salcedo and the brothers Saturnino and Mariano Lora and Máximo Gómez, who launched the so-called Monte Christi Manifesto, a true program of the independence movement.
  • The Spanish-Cuban-American War

    The Spanish-Cuban-American War
    It was a warlike conflict, which confronted Spain and the United States in the 1898 intervention in the Cuban War of Independence.
  • Why does war break out?

    Why does war break out?
    The conflict broke out because the population saw the Spanish government as corrupt, ineffective and repressive.