Latin America Revolutions

  • Start of the haitian revolution

    Start of the haitian revolution
    While the french revolution opressed people in haiti rose up against their french masters.Yes because toussaint had taken control of the island and freed at the slaves.dessains took up the fight for freeden and it was the first black colony to free it self from europe.Leaders is toussaint louverture and jean- jacques dessalines.End january 11804
  • Start of the mexican revolution

    Start of the mexican revolution
    He ranglhe bells of this village church today that know as. yes it is because they united in support promiced the modepal of mocicals. the mon uno had defeated the rebelin in the podremales.the leaders is miguel hidalgo and jode maria morales. End 1821.
  • End of the brazil revolution

    End of the brazil revolution
    Many brazilians could not accept on return to colonial status aredes brazilis independence from portugal .Brazil had won their freedom.Yes it is succesari because brazil won the independence in a bloodles revolution.Start in 1822.The leaders is dom pedro.
  • End of thesouth American revolution

    End of thesouth  American revolution
    Venezuela declared its independence from spain.Yes because after the battle of ayacucho most colonies in latin america won their freedom.the leaders is simon bolivar and jose martinez..Start in 1822.