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Latin American Independence Movements

  • Haiti Independence

    Haiti Independence
    In 1791, a slave revolt erupted on the French colony, and Toussaint-Louverture, a former slave, took control of the rebels. Gifted with natural military genius, Toussaint organized an effective guerrilla war against the island’s colonial population. He found able generals in two other former slaves, Dessalines and Henri Christophe, and in 1795 he made peace with revolutionary France following its abolishment of slavery.
  • Haiti Independence

    Haiti Independence
    The colonial economy was export driven, dominated by agriculture and trade. Dominguez,with its tropical climate, was developed as a coffee- and sugar-producing colony, and sustained many large and profitable plantations. By the second half of the18th century, sugar and coffee were two of the world’s most traded commodities, and Saint-Dominguez produced over 60 percent of the world’s coffee and 40 percent of the world's sugar.
  • Venezuela Officially Declares Independence

    Venezuela Officially Declares Independence
    It also implied the replacement of absolute monarchy by the republic as a form of government in Venezuela .The independence of Venezuela produced the armed conflict known as the Venezuelan War of Independence between the independentistas and realist armies .By the XIX century, the economic of Venezuelans people Creoles and the Spanish imperial government had diverged.While Spain viewed the colony as steady source of income to be kept under control.
  • Venezuela Officially Declares Independence

    Venezuela Officially Declares Independence
    Venezuela was the first Latin American country to be conquered by Simón Bolív The independence of Venezuela was a large step in weakening European control in Latin America. Bolívar would use Venezuela to liberate Colombia 8 years later.but on July 5, 1811, independence was declared,The independence of Venezuela was the juridical-political process developed between 1810 and 1830 in order to break the colonial ties that existed between the Captaincy General of Venezuela and the Spanish Empire.
  • Chile Declares Independence From Spain

    Chile Declares Independence From Spain
    Chile's declaration of independence was not desired by all Chileans, which led to some problems in Chile's War of Independence. While Chilean independentists were supported by other free countries, they still had to fight both Spaniards and royalists. Losing Chile struck yet another blow to the weakening Spanish empire,Bernardo lived briefly to Spain where he met the future Argentinean liberator Jose de San Martin.
  • Peru Independence

    Peru Independence
    Peru was one of the final Latin American countries to gain independence from Spain. Peru was the main part of the last foothold Spain had in South America. The defeat of the Viceroyalty of Peru three years later would officially make Peru and all of South America independent of Spanish control.
  • Peru Independence

    Peru Independence
    Peru Independence from Spanish rule and any other foreign domination was declared on July 28 1821. The Liberation Movement that influence peruvians started in Río de la Plata (Argentina) and the region of the Orinoco Llanos (Venezuela) , in 1820 and was led by Don José de San Martín and Don Simón Bolivar.Peru was one of the final Latin American countries to gain independence from Spain.
  • Uruguay Becomes Independent of All Contro

    Uruguay Becomes Independent of All Contro
    Uruguay initially became independent from Spain on May 18, 1811. However, it was conquered by Portugal in 1817, and then came under the control of the Brazilian Empire in 1822 when Brazil became independent of Portugal. This eventually led to the establishment of the present day country of Uruguay.Uruguay won its independence between 1811 and 1828, following a four-way struggle between Spain, Portugal, Argentina and Brazil.Uruguay won its independence between 1811 and 1828.