latin american revolution's

  • the start of tne haitan revolution

    the start of tne haitan revolution
    the way the revolution started was that the revolution began because the white masters mistreated the african slaves to keep them powerless
  • the end of the hatian revolution

    the end of the hatian revolution
    The hatians fought against france the revaltion was sucsessful because hati became an independent country they where the first black coloney to free themselves from the europeans.
  • start of the mexican revolution

    start of the mexican revolution
    the leaders of the revolution where miguel hidlgo and jose morelos. the social class that participated where the indians. the lost their ;ives fighting. on sept 16, 1810 miguel hidaldo rang church bells and shouted grito deloreres "long live independence! down with bad government and they fought for independence.
  • start of the south american revolution

    start of the south american revolution
    the way the revolution started was in 1810 simon bolivar helped to organize an army then he lead them in a series of victories agianst the spainish.
  • end of the mexican revolution

    end of the mexican revolution
    the europea country they fought was spain. they where sucseeful because they won and celebrete on sept 16 as there independence
  • end of the south american revolution

    end of the south american revolution
    they declared there independece from spain. they where successful because they took there indepence and simon bolivar lead them to a series of victorys.