latin american revolutions

  • Start of the haitian revolutions

    Start of the haitian revolutions
    The revolution stared Began because the whites mistreated them without consent and killed them for not doing their job well to the class of the enslaved africans then leaders are Toussaint , L'Ouverture ,Jean-Jacques, Dessalines .
  • end revolution of haitian

    end revolution of haitian
    The revolution was successful because the black people got dynkin freedom and haiti became independent country .
  • Start the mexican revolution

    Start the mexican revolution
    The mexico revolution started because the Spain people exposed south america people force to work and government forced to fallow rules.The leaders are Miguel Hidalgo and Jose Morelos
  • Start of the south american revolution

    Start of the  south  american revolution
    Simon bolivar began the revolution in South America because they did not want to be more forced by the Spaniards to be released and to be able to make a country free of the Spanish the social class was mestizo.
  • End the mexican revolution

    End the mexican revolution
    They have liberty from the Europeans and they has a new government where creoles natives and mestizos had more rights.
  • End of south america revolution

    End of south america revolution
    The revolution was successful because the south americans got freedom from europeans rule.