Latin American Revolutions

  • The Start of the Haitian Revolution

    The Start of the Haitian Revolution
    The revolution began while the masters mistreated the african slaves to keep them powerless. The leader named Toussaint L'Ouverture rose and became a strong diplomat and skilled general whom took over the island.
  • The End of the Haitian Revolution

    The End of the Haitian Revolution
    The revolution was successful because haiti became an independent country and they were the first colony to free themselves from the europeans.
  • The start of the Mexican Revolution

    The start of the Mexican Revolution
    The revolution began with a man named Miguel hidalgo. On September 6 he rang the church bell issuing a call for rebellion against the Spanish.
  • The Start of the South American Revolution

    The Start of the South American Revolution
    The revolution began because venezuela wanted to declare independence from spain, with the help of Simon Bolivar and Jose de San Martin. They took many defeats before the actual victory. 2,000 soldiers helped Bolivar take the victory against the Spanish in Bogota.
  • The End of the Mexican Revolution

    The End of the Mexican Revolution
    The Revolution was successful because after 2 attempts that the creoles fought among the other classes, caused them to proclaim independence.
  • The South American End of Revolution

    The South American End of Revolution
    It was successful because they united to battle the spanish out, then declared independence.