Latin american revolutions

Latin American Revolutions

  • The Start of the Haitian Revolution

    The Start of the Haitian Revolution
    The way the revolution started was with slave masters being brutal toward their slaves. The United states and France were gaining freedom through revolution and that inspired others to start trying to gain freedom through revolution. The slaves revolted against their French leaders. Toussaint L'overture and Jean-Jacques Desalines were the leaders of this revolution.
  • End of the Haitian Revolution

    End of the Haitian Revolution
    The slaves fought against their French leaders in this revolution. The revolution ended when the slaves were all freed. The revolution was successful because the slaves got what they were fighting for and they were freed.
  • The start of the Mexican Revolution

    The start of the Mexican Revolution
    The way the revolution started was when a priest gathered a congregation in the church and told them they all had to stand up and fight. The social classes that participated were the Indians and the Mestizos. The leaders of the revolution were Padre Jose Maria Morelos and Padre Miguel Hidalgo.
  • The start of the South American Revolution

    The start of the South American Revolution
    The way the revolution started was with Venezuela wanted to gain their independance from spain and Bolivar's army started fighting for their independance. The social class that participated was the Creoles. The leaders of South American revolution were Simon Bolivar and Jose de San Martin.
  • End of the Mexican Revolution

    End of the Mexican Revolution
    The mexican creoles, mestizos and Indians fought against the Spanish. The revolution ended when The creoles joined all joined together in mexico's fight for independance from Spain. The revolution was not successful because the leader was killed by an officer.
  • The start of the Brazilian Revolution

    The start of the Brazilian Revolution
    The way the revolution started was when Napolean's army invaded brazil. The Creoles were the social class that participated in the revolution. 18,000 Brazilians signed a petition saying they wanted a new leader. The leader of this revolution was Dom Pedro.
  • The end of the Brazilian Ravolution

    The end of the Brazilian Ravolution
    The Creoles fought against Portugal. The revolution ended when Dom Pedro agreed to rule and they declared and won their freedom. The revolution was successful because they got what they fought for and they finally had their independance.
  • The end of the South American Revolution

    The end of the South American Revolution
    The creoles fought against the Spanish. The revolution ended when Colombia, Panama, and Ecuador won their freedom. The revolution was successful because they did end up having independance.