Profile 2

Laura Bowen: A Microhistory

By lcbowen

    Demographics - How many children were born in the U.S. in 1968?
  • Celebrated my first birthday

    Celebrated my first birthday
    Social history - Why do we celebrate birthdays with a cake?
  • Moved to Wilmington, NC

    Moved to Wilmington, NC
    Demographics - What were the push or pull factors that led my family to move (migration patterns)?
  • Graduated from John T. Hoggard High School

    Graduated from John T. Hoggard High School
    Social history - When did women receive the right to receive the same education as men?
  • Pledged Kappa Alpha Theta sorority

    Pledged Kappa Alpha Theta sorority
    FUN HISTORICAL FACT: Kappa Alpha Theta was founded in 1870 as the first Greek-letter fraternity for women.
  • Graduated from UNC-CH

    Graduated from UNC-CH
    Political history - I majored in Political Science and Russian Language with the goal of working for the NSA or State Department. How might the fall of the Berlin Wall (and ultimately, the demise of the Soviet Union) have affected my choices?
  • Started working at Cape Fear Academy

    Started working at Cape Fear Academy
    Economic history - What was the job market like for college graduates in the early 1990s?
  • Married Michael J. Bowen

    Married Michael J. Bowen
    Social history - I was married in a church. When in history did this custom develop and why?
  • My niece, Kaitlin Hope, was born

    My niece, Kaitlin Hope, was born
  • My nephew, Matthew Cole, was born

    My nephew, Matthew Cole, was born
  • Adopted Tessa Bowen

    Adopted Tessa Bowen
    Social history - When were dogs first domesticated and kept as household pets? Intellectual history - How did technology, specifically the Internet, help me find a rescue animal to adopt?
  • Earned MEd from UNC-W

    Earned MEd from UNC-W
    Demographics - How many students in the U.S. earned an MEd in 2013?