Letter to Gavrilo Princip

  • Assassination of The Archduke

    Assassination of The Archduke
    Princip was on of three men sent to assassinate Archduke Franz Ferdinand.
  • WW1

    To go along with the murder of the Archduke, many threats were later made. War ended November 11, 1918.
  • Period: to

    Gavrilo Pricip: Destoryer of Peace

  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    The peace treaty that had ended WW1. This was exactly 5 year safter the Archduke was assainated.
  • WW2

    The treaty ofVersailles did not work completly, people were still angered that the Archduke was killed. This was ended September 2 1945.
  • Atomic Bombs

    Atomic Bombs
    One bonb was dropped in Hiroshima, Japan and the other Nagasaki, Japan. To stop the madness with the assasination of the Archduke, the US decided to bomb Japan.