• Founding of Jamestown

    Jamestown was first established by John Smith.
  • Henry Hudson discovers the Hudson River

    Hudson's expedition was originally supposed to find the North-West Passage but was blown off course and found the Hudson river instead
  • Period: to

    Starvation of Jamestown

    With no supplies the people of Jamestown soon starved
  • John Rolfe begins farming Tobacco

  • Rolfe crosses Tobacco strains from Trinidad to Guiana

  • Headright System was established

    A London company would give colonists who paid their own way to Virginia 50 acres
  • House of Burgesses formed

    first representative government set up in Virginia
  • Slavery begins in America

    Dutch sells 20 African slaves to the Virginia colonists
  • Pilgrims settle in New England

    Establish Plymouth colony and compose the mayflower compact
  • Period: to

    Powhatan Wars

    Battles and Conflicts between the Natives and the Virginian Colonists
  • Virginia becomes royal colony

  • Dutch establish New Netherland (New York)

  • Massachusetts Bay Colony

    John Winthrop went on a voyage with 11 vessels containing 700 passengers.
  • Period: to

    Thousands of Puritains migrate to New England

  • Maryland is founded for Protestants and Catholics

  • Rhode Island Established by Roger Williams and Anne Hutchensin

    Place for Quakers Jews and Others
  • Thomas Hooker founded Conneticut

    Hooker was a Puritan Pastor who left Massachusetts to establish Connecticut
  • Pequot War

    Massachusetts Bay colony sell hundreds of natives into slavery
  • Delaware founded by Swedishman Peter Minuit

  • New Hampshire Colony formed

  • Navigation Act

    Merchants in the colonies were force to ship their goods directly to England
  • Virginia Law

    Slavery was passed on from generation to generation
  • New Jeresy Established

    Established by Lord proprietor
  • King Phillip's War

    Native Americans Encroached on the Colonies of New England. Natives were captured and were desired to be sent to Barbados
  • Bacon's Rebellion

    Natives stole pigs from Thomas Mathew.To pay for a debt he refused to atone Nathanial Bacon formed a militia to support Mathew but Governor Berkley intervened which led to a face-off outside a Virginia courthouse.
  • Pueblo Revolt

    Took place in Southwest area where the Native Americans fought against the Spanish
  • Pennsylvania formed by William Penn

  • Glorious Revolution

    Official overthrow of English Catholic King James II by his Protestant daughter Mary and Her Dutch Husband William
  • Bills of Credit

    Massachusetts first colony to issue paper bills in the colonies
  • North Carolina Established by Lord Proprietor

  • Decree of Sanctuary

    Spanish King granted safety to slaves fleeing from New England if they converted to Catholicism and swore sole Allegiance to Spain
  • Slave ship master Thomas Philip didn't believe in difference of race but still was a captain of a slave ship

  • Yamasee's War

    Natives attempted to destroy the English settlers in the Carolina's.
  • Period: to

    Age of Enlightenment

    Intellectual movement that emphasized Human reason and Individualism. Promoted by John Locke and Voltaire.
  • Period: to

    First Great Awakening

    Encouraged the colonists to throw out all their distractions and focus on their personal relationship with God
  • Poor Richards Almanac

    Publication lasted for 25 years included calendar weather predictions poems advice and more.
  • Georgia colony founded by James Oglethorpe

  • Stono Rebellion

    Slaves rebelled while the whites were and church and left for Spanish Florida
  • George Whitefield travels to America

  • Johnathan Edwards preaches Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God

  • The Franklin Stove

  • Benjamin Franklen invents the lightening rod

  • Period: to

    French and Indian War

    British and American Forces fought against French and Native Americans
  • Treaty of Paris

  • Pontiac's War

    Ottawa fights against the British
  • Royal Proclamation line

    Boundary established between colonies and Native Americans across the Appalachian Mountains
  • Period: to

    Parliamentary Acts

    These Acts Include, Sugar Act(1764), Currency Act(1764), Stamp Acts (1765), Declaratory Act (1766), Townsend Act (1767) Tea Act (1773)
  • Sons of Liberty Band together

    Group of colonists that fought taxation from the British Government
  • Boston Massacre

    British Troops Fire on Colonists
  • Boston Tea Party

    Sons of Liberty dress as Indians and raid British tea ships
  • Intolerable Act

    This Included Boston Port Act, Massachusetts Government Act, Administration of Justice Act, Quartering Act
  • First Continental Congress

    Colonists demand Repeal of the Intolerable Acts
  • Battles of Lexington and Concord

    British Forces sent to seize American Militias arms
  • Patrick Henry Declares "Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death"

  • Second Continental Congress

    Formed Continental Army under the leadership of George Washington. Drafted Olive Branch petition which was refused by the English Parliament.
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    British Take over areas around Boston
  • Thomas Paine Writes Common Sense

    Argues for Independence and Denounces the British Monarchy
  • Declaration of Independance

    Document Drafted by Thomas Jefferson declaring the Separation of the Colonies from Britain
  • Battle of Trenton

    George Washington Crosses the Delaware to lead a surprise attack on the Hessian's winning him a decisive victory
  • Battle of Saratoga

    General William Howe was intended to join forces with John Burgoyne However he changed his plans leaving Burgoyne at the mercy of the Continental Army
  • Treaty Amity and Commerce

    Trade treaty between the U.S and France promising Frances support for the U.S. Independance
  • Battle of Yorktown

    General Wallace was waiting for supplies to reach his men and was soon captured by American Forces aided by the French He surrendered and thus ended the revolution
  • Treaty of Paris

    Secured the United States freedom from England. Negotiated by Benjamin Franklin John Adams and John Jay.
  • Shay's Rebellion

    Farmers owed heavy debts to the Bank and did not have the money to pay them back. Daniel Shay formed a group of "Shaysites" to prevent the Judges from signing foreclosures.
  • Constitutional Convention

    Madison Proposes Virginia Plan which would separate the Government in to three separate divisions Legislative Executive Judicial. Roger Sherman offers Great Compromise Which would allow for two senators per state.and the house of representatives be base on the states population. There was a 20 year provision to protect slave trade and the slaves would be counted as three fifths of a person.
  • Steam Boat Invented

  • Slave Trade Act

    First regulated amount of room per slave and limited amount of slaves
  • United States Constitution Ratified

  • George Washington becomes president

  • Samuel Slater Invents Yarn Spinning Machine

  • First U.S. Bank created

  • George Washington re-elected

  • Eli Whitney invents the Cotton Gin

  • Whiskey Rebellion

    Men Dressed up as Women Tarred and Feathered a Tax Collector. Government sends in military to quail the rebellion.
  • John Adams Elected

  • Alien and Sedition Acts

    U.S. Government could deport any foreigners if they posed a threat to security for the Sedition act The government could prosecute anyone speaking or publishing anything against the policies of the government.
  • Election of 1800 (nicknamed the Bloodless Revolution)

    The electoral votes were tied between the two candidates Jefferson and Burr up until the 36th vote
  • Gabriels Rebellion

    Inspired by the Hatian rebellion Gabriel and thousands of other slaves planned a Attack on Richmond Virginia. They were found out by a group of slaves who quickly reported it to their masters. Gabriel along with twenty-five others were tried and deemed guilty
  • Factories built in Northern States

    U.S. Economy Transitions from Agricultural to Industrial
  • Second Great Awakening/Cane Ridge Revival

    Start of a revival for Spiritual and Moral renewal Sermons were held at outdoor meetings where people were encouraged to strive for their own salvation
  • Marbury versus Madison

    Jefferson refuses to allow John Adams last minute appointments one appointees sues supreme court rules in Jefferson's favor. and Chief Justice Marshall employs power of Judicial Review which allows the supreme court to decide if an act of congress violates the constitution.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Jefferson Bought the Louisiana Territory for Fifteen million dollars
  • Jefferson Re-elected

  • Webster's Dictionary published by Noah Webster

  • British Attack U.S.S Chesapeake

    British Came on board looking for deserters.
  • Embargo Act

    Thomas Jefferson closes ports in hopes to avoid involving America in the Napoleonic Wars
  • Robert Fulton Establishes First Commercial Steamboat Service on the Hudson River

  • James Madison Elected President

  • James Madison Re-Elected

  • War of 1812

    U.S. Was tired of England's restrictions on their trade and wanted to be able to gain more territory. The war was fought in the Ocean In Canada/Great Lakes/Fort Henry and the Southern Theater (Louisiana)
  • Francis Cabot Lowell

    Spends two years touring English mills to memorize their loom designs
  • Francis Scott Key writes the National Anthem

  • Treaty of Ghent

    This ended the war of 1812 U.S. Acquires North-West Territory
  • Battle of Horseshoe Bend

    Jackson Fights Creek Indians
  • Period: to

    Benevolent Empire

    Group of Volunteers that were both Christian Social meant to spread the Gospel fighting against Alcohol and for Slaves and Women's Rights.
  • James Monroe Elected

  • Seminole Wars

  • Adams-Onis Treaty

    As a result of the Seminole wars Spain was forced to give the U.S. Florida
  • James Monroe Re-Elected

  • Missouri Compromise

    Maine Was admitted as Free State Missouri Was admitted as a Slave State and the rest of the Louisiana purchase divided on the 36° 30' line States above the line would be free states bellow and states bellow would be slave states.
  • Cotton Revolution

    Although the Initial Import of cotton was in 1785 the Discovery of the Petite Gulf Cotton Changed the global cotton market forever With a increase in the cotton industry there also grew a significant increase in the slave market. This caused further tension between the North and South states
  • Monnroe Doctrine

    James Monroe Tells the Europeans to stay out of their hemisphere
  • John Quincy Adams Elected

  • Erie Canal dug

    It was a Waterway Connecting The Great Lakes, Hudson River and The Atlantic Ocean.
  • B & O Railroad Company

    meant to transport goods west of the application mountains to Chesapeake bay
  • Lyman Beecher

    preaches sermon on Temperance
  • Andrew Jackson Elected

  • Charles Finney Preaches Revivals

    Encourage emotional response and devotion to God (Coined the term Burned-over District)
  • Joseph Smith and Mormon Church Creation

  • Indian Removal Act

    Gave President Permission to Banish the Natives from their land and relocate them west of the Missisipi
  • Cyrus McCormick

    Invents Horse Drawn Mechanical Reaper
  • Nat Turner Rebellion

    Turner along with others killed about 57 men women and children on farms across Virginia to free his fellow slaves
  • Andrew Jackson Re-Elected

  • Nulification Crisis

    State of South Carolina attempts to declare all Federal Tariffs are null and void Henry Clay brokers a deal lowering Tariffs keeping South Carolina as part of the U.S.
  • Whig Party Begins

    originally started to oppose Jacksonian Democracy
  • Martin Van Buren Elected

  • Transcendental Club

    A group of Unitarians including Henry David Thoreau, publisher of Resistance to Civil Government, and Ralph Waldo Emerson who declared U.S. should be intellectually independent from Europe.
  • Texas Declares Independance From Mexico

    Sam Houston attacks Santa Ana's forces at San Jacinto and forces him to sign the Treaty of Velasco.
  • John Deere

    invents the Steel Plow
  • Trail of Tears

    President Van Buren Removes the Cherokee from their land
  • William Henry Harrison Elected

    Known for having the Longest Speech but Shortest time in office After Harrison's death John Tyler took over
  • Morris invents Telegraph

    Start of the communication revolution
  • James Polk is Elected

  • Know-Nothing Party Begins

    They feared the influences of the immigrants such as the Catholics from Ireland and Germany
  • John O' Suliven and Manifest Destiny

    American's Believed it was their God given right to lead the world in democracy
  • Frederick Douglas

    Writes Autobiography that relates his time as a slave
  • American Mexican War

    U.S. fights with Mexico over Texas Boarder. The Mexican's believe the Neuces River to be the boarder while the Texans believed it to be the Rio Grande
  • Zachary Taylor Elected

    Died in 1850 Replaced by Fillmore Millard
  • Treaty Of Guadalupe Hidalgo

    Treaty that ended the U.S. Mexican war. America paid 15 million dollars to acquire the Territory of California, Utah Nevada, Colorado, Wyoming, Most of Arizona and New Mexico
  • Gold Discovered on John Sutters Land

  • Compromise of 1850

    Slave trade was abolished in Washington DC, California was admitted as a free state, Fugitive Slave Act was upheld which allowed slave owners to take back their runaway slaves. Utah and New Mexico were given the choice on whether they wanted to be slave or free states
  • Franklin Pierce is Elected President

  • Kansas Nebraska Bill

    Local elections were allowed to decided whether to be slave or free states
  • Republican Party

    Based Views on Founding Fathers and Supported freedom for slaves
  • James Buchanan Elected

  • Dred Scott Decision

    Ruled that slaves could not sue in courts and could not be citizens of the United States Making what was previously thought to be a sectional crisis into a national crisis
  • John Brown and Harpers Ferry

    Brown was a abolitionist who had previously killed pro-slavery supporters in Kansas. He planned a attack on Harper's Ferry which was a Governmental Weapons Storage.
  • Abraham Lincoln Elected

  • South Carolina Secession

    South Carolina is the first state to vote to secede from the United States.
  • Confederate States of America

    South Carolina was Joined by Mississippi Florida Texas Louisiana Alabama and Georgia. They named Jefferson Davis as their president and started the war by firing on fort sumtner
  • Beginning of Civil War

    Confederacy fires on Fort Sumter
  • First Battle of Bull Run

    First Major battle of civil war and a confederate victory
  • Abraham Lincoln signs Homestead Act into Law

    Gives applicants free title to land west of the Mississippi
  • Second Battle of Bull Run

    Another Defeat for the Union but not as badly as the first
  • Battle of Shiloh

    Confederate forces were unable to prevent the Union forces from advancing into the Mississippi valley
  • Slavery abolished in District of Columbia

  • Pacific Railway Act

    The First Transcontinental railroad was authorized for the union pacific and central pacific railroad companies
  • Battle of Antietam

    Bloodiest battle of civil war recorded
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Executive order of President Lincoln. Freed all slaves within the Confederacy but did not apply to the border states still within the Union
  • Enrollment Act

    Military Draft act passed by Congress to provide man power for Union army.
  • New York City Riot

    Combination of Economic and Racial anxiety. Biggest civil revolt to date.
  • Battle of Vicksburg Mississippi

    Decisive battle for Union troops because it split the Confederacy into two parts
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    One of the most famous battles of the Civil War
  • Gettysburg Address

    Lincoln delivers speech at dedication of cemetery for the Battle of Gettysburg
  • Abraham Lincon Re-Elected

    Dies while in office Shot by John Wilkes Booth
  • Battle of Atlanta

    Union Victory helps to ensure Lincolns presidential victory
  • March to the Sea

    General Sherman destroys areas of Georgia and the Carolinas
  • Wade Davis Bill

    Bill passed by Congress that outlined strict requirements for readmission to the U.S.
  • Battle of Appomattox Court House

    Final Battle between General Grant and General Lee who surrenders
  • 13th Amendment Passed

    Abolished Slavery in the United States
  • Andrew Johnson

    Assumes presidency upon Lincoln's Death
  • Alaska Purchased from Russia

  • 14th Amendment

    Granted citizenship and equal civil and legal rights to African Americans and freed slaves
  • Ulysses Grant Elected

  • Golden Spike Ceremony

    Celebration of completion of transcontinental Raillroad
  • 15th Amendment

    The Right to vote would not be denied based on race, color, or previous condition of servitude
  • The Great Chicago Fire

    Over 200 acres of Chicago was burned to the ground
  • Ulysses Grant Re-Elected

  • Amnesty Act

    Reversed most Penalties imposed on former confederates
  • Yellowstone National Park Established

    Grant declares Yellowstone to be the first national park
  • First Train Robery by Jesse James

  • Barbed Wire Patented by Joseph Glidden

  • Levi Strauss

    make jeans
  • Ruthford B. Hayes Elected as President

  • Invention of the Telephone

    Invented by Alexander Graham Bell
  • Battle of Little Big Horn

    Lieut. Col. Custer Defeated and killed by group of Cheyenne and Sioux Indians in montana