
Lewis and Clark journey

  • the journey beings

    the journey beings
    this is when lewis and clarks started there joirney, and the headed up the missuor river
  • into the grizzly country

    into the grizzly country
    this is when the natvies told lewis and clark that they were in grizzly country but louis an clark said they didn't care because they had powerful weapons
  • rockies in sight

    rockies in sight
    lewis and clark picked up a young woman named Sacagawea, from then on she helped louis and clark find there way.
  • A fork in the river

    A fork in the river
    they came upon a fork in the river so lewis took three men with him and if they found the indians of missour than they took the right way
  • Among the Shoshone

    Among the Shoshone
    lewis found a indian on horse back at fort mandan and they were the shoshone indians
  • ocean in view

    ocean in view
    this is when they were coming up to the ocean and seen some dried salmon
  • Winter on the Pacific

    Winter on the Pacific
    they had to came out by the coulbima river becausd there was a big winter storm
  • Parting Ways, Skirmishing With Blackfeet

    Parting Ways, Skirmishing With Blackfeet
    this is when they crossed the continental divied, near the great falls
  • Riding the Missouri

    Riding the Missouri
    lewis and clark took a group of people to go hunting and clark shot at what he thought was a elk but it hit lewis in the thigh.
  • Given Up for Dead, Hailed as Heroes

    Given Up for Dead, Hailed as Heroes
    this is when lewis an clark was making 80 miles a day and meeting new traders and than they arrived home sep 23 in the afternoon