LGBTQ Civil Rights movement timeline

  • March on Independence Hall

    March on Independence Hall
  • Vangaurd Founded

    A youth organization from San Fransicso is formed
  • Compton Riots

    Compton Riots
    Transgender street prostitutes roit against police harrassment in an all-night restaurant.
  • Sexual Offence Bill

    Decriminalized Homosexuality in private in England and Wales
  • Stone wall riots

    Stone wall riots
    A group of transsexuals, lesbians, drag queens, and gay male patrons at a bar in New York resisted a police raid
  • Homosexuality is revomed from the American Psychiatric Association Manual of mental disorders

    Homosexuality is no longer considered a mental illness
  • "Don't ask, Don't Tell" is repealed

    "Don't ask, Don't Tell" is repealed
    Homosexuals are allowed to openly serve in the Military.
  • Supreme Court Legalizes Same-Sex Marriage

    People react to the passing of Same-sex marriageThe supreme Court legalized Same-sex marriage for all same-sex couples no matter where in the United States they live.