
Life Aboard a Caravel

  • Jan 30, 1538

    Pre Day

    Pre Day
    My name is Hernandez and this is my journal. Hear it comes. The dreaded day of hardwork. It's just aroud the corner. In two days we set sail around India to 4 different ports. We have traveled all the way from Spain for our own chance at riches! It has come at a price though. We have already lost 5 men just to get to the port called "Dui" founded by the Portuguese. We are preparing our self for the journey, and for the worst.
  • Feb 2, 1538

    Day 1 at Sea

    Day 1 at Sea
    As we set off to sea morale is on high. We can already tell this is going to be great. Our Captain is Mario Cortez. He has already lead us around Europe to get to Port Dui. He can get us there and back easily.
  • Apr 18, 1538

    Port Cannanore

    Port Cannanore
    Its been about 3 months, maybe 4 I've lost track, since we left port Dui. It has been a long travel, but the wait shall be worth it! There has been a recent out break of "scurvy" on the ship! We've lost five men already and hopes have ran low. It should be anyday now until we reach Port Cannanore.
  • Apr 20, 1538

    Port Cannanore

    Port Cannanore
    We have finally reached Port Cannanore at last. Finding replacements for our men lost to scurvy wasn't too hard. Many of the natives here are very eager for work. They suspect they are to get a full share at the end of the trip. However, the Captain has tricked them to earn us more money.
  • May 5, 1538

    Port Cochin

    Port Cochin
    It has been nearly 1 month since we have been to Port Cannanore where we hired 5 more men. As we arrive to Port Cochin I really hope that we can have some good luck for the rest of our voyage. We haven't had much of an outcome for our trades due to others beating us to it. This is going to be a big morale booster if we can get some good trades.
  • May 8, 1538

    Leaving Port Cochin

    Leaving Port Cochin
    The new crew members are becoming more and more aware of the fact that they aren't receiving equal pay. Although the old members out number them 2:1 it still brings problems around that we have to deal with.
  • Jul 10, 1538

    Port Matara (Part 1)

    Port Matara (Part 1)
    Port Cochin was a very sucessful stop. We made very good trades and came out well. We are currently in front of most other trade ships. Which is what scares me, there is a very bad storm on the brew. Our morality has blinded our common senses and we head straight to the storm. There is a lot of yelling and screaming on the upper deck. I think i should head up...(Hernandez dies)
  • Jul 13, 1538

    Port Matara (Part 2)

    Port Matara (Part 2)
    Hello, my name is Captain Cortez. As we finally arrive in Port Matara, I can't help, but feel the guilt and shame of the loss of Hernandez. It was my fault for forcing us to push on, instead of playing it safe and going to the nearest port. The ship is in shambles, bearly holding together. And we have to use all of the money we had earned to buy a new ship. So as a tribute to Hernandez. I will continue his journal.
  • Oct 10, 1538

    Nearing Port Nagapattinam

    Nearing Port Nagapattinam
    The other men who were nearing a mutiny all died in the storm except for one. But as I only have 2 senior crew members left, I can't help but feel more guilty than ever. I Have given everyone fair pay and have gained some respect of the new. But lost most of the seniors, which is what really cuts deep. I think I may give up Captains position and stay behind after we arrive at Port Nagapattinam.
  • Oct 15, 1538

    Port Nagapattinam

    Port Nagapattinam
    As we end our Journey around the ports we have actually made almost all the money back that we started out with. Although the loss of money is far easier to let go than the loss of life. There was far too many deaths on this trip for a very moderate to small income. I do not think I will be taking anymore Cross-India trips anymore. And this is where the journal ends.