High school

Life Map Presentation

  • Baptism

    One of the earliest positive experiences that I remember shaping my life trajectory was getting baptized. I was 8 years old and felt safe. This is in the school age stage which is industry vs inferiority and affected all of my systems. My family was all religious and getting baptized included me as a member of the church. I enjoyed going to church, attending activities, and feeling close to the Lord. It brought me love and respect for others and myself.
  • High School/College

    High School/College
    At the age of 18 I was confident, outgoing, and loved life. This is the adolescent stage which is identity and isolation. During high school and college, I was cheer captain, VP of dance company and had a leadership scholarship in college. My parents encouraged and supported me. They were at every event and performance I had. I remember feeling excited about the future and worked hard in school to obtain my goals. This affected my micro and meso systems.
  • Marriage

    The most impactful experiences for my life trajectory have happened during Young Adulthood which is Intimacy vs Isolation. When I was 21 years old, I decided to marry my best friend that I had known since fifth grade. We struggled financially being young and finishing school. We were close, loved each other and gave everything we had to our relationship. It was a positive experience and helped me grow to be intimate and close with another person. Marriage affected all of my systems.
  • Motherhood

    At the age of 22 I became a mother which is one of the best decisions I ever made. It was during the young adulthood stage and affected of my systems. Being a mother allowed me to feel a love and closeness unlike any other. I am very grateful for the blessing they are and the joy they bring to my life. I put my career on hold to raise my children. I was able to teach my children as they grew. Being a mother brought me love, joy and safety.
  • Career Path

    Career Path
    A few years after we were married my husband decided to pursue a career in law enforcement. I was hesitant and nervous with this decision but was told I did not have a say in the matter. I began to feel that I was not a valued member of my marriage. My opinion and contributions were treated as less than his. This made me feel depressed, alone, and unworthy of his love. This decision was not my choice but affected all my systems.
  • Abuse and Divorce

    Abuse and Divorce
    At 37 life changed forever. I felt isolated and alone. I became depressed and suicidal. I was in an abusive marriage. I had internalized the negative labels my husband gave me and hated myself. I was admitted into a neuropsychiatric unit. As I began to navigate my mental health my husband of 16 years moved out and left me. When I was released from the hospital, I not only had a long way to go in regard to my health but was now a single mother. This affected all of my systems.
  • Starting MSW and Finding Myself

    Starting MSW and Finding Myself
    At the age of 39 at the end of young adulthood I get to start a new career path and find myself again. Going through abuse, mental health struggles, divorce and being a single mom has been the most challenging stage in my life. Although challenging it has shaped my life and systems positively. It allowed me to grow and reevaluate my life goals. I want my experiences to bring hope and help others in similar situations. I am grateful for my current situation and the experiences that got me here.