linea del tiempo de Michael Jackson

  • birth of michael jackson

    birth of michael jackson
    Nacido el 29 de Agosto de 1958 en Gary, Indina ( Estados Unidos)
  • at the age of five he already showed interest in music

    at the age of five he had shown an incredible talent for song at a school Christmas performance
  • at the age of eleven he began to sing with his brothers in the Jackson five

    at the age of eleven he began to sing with his brothers in the Jackson five
    In 1959 he began to sing with his brothers in the Jackson Five when he was eleven years old.
  • He continues his solo career

    He continues his solo career
    In 1971 he began his solo career but he was still a member of the Jackson Five group
  • until one thousand nine hundred and seventy-five it was his career as a groupist with his brothers

    until one thousand nine hundred and seventy-five it was his career as a groupist with his brothers
    up to one thousand nine hundred and fifty-eight years he made ten albums with his brothers
  • vitiligo

    michael jackson in 1980 suffered from vitiligo a disease that changes skin color and for that disease he had many criticisms saying that he did not like black skin color
  • michael jackson in 1982

    michael jackson in 1982
    michael jackson in 1982 released the song thirller that was the most sold with 51 to 65 million copies was one of his best-selling albums
  • the second best-selling album of Michael Jackson

    the second best-selling album of Michael Jackson
    Michael Jackson released another album on August 31, 1987 which was the second best selling of his albums called Bad surpassed by the thriller
  • Michael Jackson came from a tour to Argentina

    Michael Jackson came from a tour to Argentina
    in 1993 michael jackson came on tour to agentina
  • birth of his first child josehp

    birth of his first child josehp
    Joseph Jackson was the first son of Michael Jackson who was born February 17 in 1997 and today is 23 years old
  • birth of michael jackson's second daughter

    birth of michael jackson's second daughter
    Paris jackson, the second daughter of michael jackson who was born on april 3, 1998 and is currently 22 years old
  • the last michael jackson concert

    the last michael jackson concert
    Michael Jackson's last concert was on September 10, 2001 on the 30th anniversary
  • birth of the last son of michael jackson

    birth of the last son of michael jackson
    The last son of Michael Jackson was Blanckt Jackson who changed his name to Price Jackson
    who was born on February 21, 2002 who is currently 18 years old
  • This is it

    This is it
    the last michael jackson concert that never took place because of the terrible story that michael died on june 25, 2009
  • death of michael jackson

    death of michael jackson
    Michael Jackson passed away on June 25, 2009 after cardiac arrest