Lizbeth Carpio (2D Digital Painting)

  • Definition of Digital Art

    Digital art is an artistic work or activity that uses digital technology as part of a creative or presentational process. These began around the 1960's.
  • Creation of the Sketchpad (Early Origin)

    Creation of the Sketchpad (Early Origin)
    The first graphical manipulation program was called the Sketchpad. Created in 1963 by Ivan Sutherland. Sketchpad eventually contributed to the development of the Rand Tablet for work on the GRAIL project in 1968, and the very first tablet was created. Other early tablets or digitizers, such as ID and BitPad, have been commercially popular and used in CAD.
  • James Faure

    James Faure
    Since the late 1980s, an artist named James Faure Walker has been known to incorporate the machine into his process as a painter. He practiced in a lot of mediums and media, shifting from and to photography, drawing, painting and computer devices, making use of each of their aspects.
  • MacPaint (Early Origin)

    MacPaint (Early Origin)
    The MacPaint software was an early commercial program that allowed users to design, draw, and manipulate objects. The first version of this program was released on the Apple Lisa on January 22, 1984. The ability to draw and create graphics with this software has made it the top program of its kind in 1984.
  • When 2D Painting Was Invented?

    When 2D Painting Was Invented?
    Andy Warhol created digital art using the Commodore Amiga, where the computer was publicly launched at the Lincoln Center in New York in July 1985.
  • What is 2D Digital Painting

    What is 2D Digital Painting
    Digital painting is a way of painting in the digital world of a computer and a form of digital art. Digital environment means software packages or computer graphics programs, these programs or packages include several resources that allow an artist to produce a variety of works of art. Usually, the methods and techniques used give digital artwork the distinctive appearance of a traditional piece.
  • Adobe Photoshop (Early Origin)

    Adobe Photoshop (Early Origin)
    Adobe Photoshop was another early image editing application. It was first called View and was developed as a monochrome picture display software by Thomas Knoll at the University of Michigan in 1987. With the help of his brother John, the program was converted into an image editing program called Imagepro, but later changed to Photoshop.