Manifest Destiny

  • The Louisiana Purchase

    The Louisiana Purchase
    The Louisiana Purchase was transacted by Thomas Jefferson. France acquired the land from Spain and Napoleon sold it to America to find funds for the French Revolution. America acquired 830,000,000 square miles for only $15 million dollars.
  • Erie Canal

    Erie Canal
    The Erie Canal began construction in 1817. It was created to create a way to travel by water from New York City to the Atlantic Ocan and the other Great Lakes. It was one of the first ways to ship goods across the U.S.
  • Monroe Doctrine

    Monroe Doctrine
    The Monroe Doctrine was a message to Europe from James Monroe. It warned the European powers to not interfere with the affairs of the Western Hemisphere. It said that the United States would not tolerate any colonization from other powers.
  • The Indian Removal Act

    The Indian Removal Act
    The Indian Removal Act was signed into law by Andrew Jackson. The law stated that every indian within our borders would be forced to move west. Tribes that refused would be forced by the U.S. Army. One tribe, the Cherokee tribe had over 4,000 casualties on the journey west.
  • The Alamo

    The Alamo
    The Alamo was an important part of the Texas Revolution. Texas wanted to split from Mexico so they started a revolution. Mexico decided to attack Texas but Texas defended back making a large stand at the Alamo. Mexico kept pushing forward and eventually broke through the line of defenses forcing the Texans to retreat. Although Mexico won this battle was important as it led to the Mexican-American War.
  • Texas Independence

    Texas Independence
    After the Alamo Texas demanded they be free from Mexico and become their own nation. In March of the next year 59 people signed a document declaring Texas's Independence from Mexico. Texas was now the Republic of Texas.
  • The Trail of Tears

    The Trail of Tears
    The Trail of Tears was a continuation of the Indian Removal Act passed by Andrew Jackson. The Cherokee people called it The Trail of Tears because between 6,000 and 15,000 died during the journey due to the devasting effects.
  • The Oregon Trail

    The Oregon Trail
    The Oregon Trail was a route that fur trapers and traders took to the west. It was organized in Missouri,and a path was created leading from there all the way to the west. At first the trail was primarily just for trading, but it continued to be a route that settlers took to settle in the west.
  • Mexican - American War

    Mexican - American War
    The Mexican American War was started by the US after disputes about the territory of Texas. Both countries wanted Texas to be a part of their country. After war the US quickly entered Mexico and captured Mexico City. The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo ended the war. Other aftermath of the war included Mexico accepting that Texas was now a part of the US.
  • Wilmot Proviso

    Wilmot Proviso
    The Wilmot Proviso was a proposal by David Proviso to ban slavery in all territories acquired from Mexico. It was proposed multiple times and passed in the House of Representatives but Wilmot could not get it passed by the Senate. The Wilmot Proviso was important because people were beginning to think about slavery.
  • California Gold Rush

    California Gold Rush
    James Marshall discovered gold in California on January 24th 1848. After the news spread people rushed by sea and land there looking for wealth from gold. Many people made a fortune panning for gold and it is estimated $15 million was discovered in gold during the Gold Rush.
  • Texas Annexation

    Texas Annexation
    After Texas became free from Mexico the US refrained from annexing it because of threats of war from Mexico. Follwing the Mexico - American War the US annexed Texas making it a part of its country.
  • The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

    The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
    The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo was the treaty that ended the Mexican-American War. The US had to pay $15 million to Mexico and Mexico had to pay $3.5 million and give up about half of New Mexico land to the US.
  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    The Compromise of 1850 was a set of 5 laws passed about slavery in the newly acquired territories. Important points of the laws included creating finalized borders of California and banning the slave trade in Washington D.C.
  • California

    After the Treaty of Hidalgo was passed California was given to the US. Mexico wasn't very upset because the territory was a barron wasteland, however 9 days after America acquired the land someone found gold there and the "49ers" began arriving there in a hurry. America rushed to make California a state, skipping over making it a territory.
  • Gadsden Purchase

    Gadsden Purchase
    The Gadsden Purchase was purchased in a treaty signed in 1853. Mexico sold us the land for $10 million, which the US wanted to complete a southern route of the transcontinental railroad. 29,6440 suare miles were acquired in modern day New Mexico and Arizona.
  • Ostend Manifesto

    Ostend Manifesto
    Ostend Manifesto was a document written to explain why US should puchase Cuba and that the US should decland war on Spain if they denied it. Acquiring Cuba was a goal that America wanted for a long time. It also stated that if war was necesary America would go to war to acquire territory. America wanted Cuba to be a slave territory but both the North and Europe denounced who hated the idea of fighting and also were against slavery. America eventually canceled the proposal and left Cuba.