Manifest Destiny

  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    The size of the U.S. doubled overnight when Jefferson purcased the Louisiana Teritory from France in 1803. He purchased it for 15 million dollars. That made every acre of the 828,000 square miles worth four cents. It added fifteen more states onto the U.S. This Purchase helped set off the move west. Thats how the purchase helped America become what it is today.
  • Corps of Discovery Expidition

    Corps of Discovery Expidition
    The Corps of Discovery helped people move west by being the first americans to explore and map the Louisiana Territory. They were led by Mariwether Lewis and William Clark. They were searching for a water passage to the Pacific Ocean. They never found this passage but still made it to the Pacific. It took them two years to finish the expidition. This is how Lewis and Clark along with the Corps of Expidition helped the move west.
  • War of 1812

    War of 1812
    The War of 1812 was also known as the Forgotten War, Warof Poor Comunication and the Revolutionary War part 2. Andrew Jackson became known in this war. He led the U.S. to win the battle of New Orleans. It was the biggest batle in the war. It happend two weeks after the war ended. The war ended with the signing on the Treaty of Ghent. No land was gained or lost in this war and it ended in a stalemate.
  • Florida Territory

    Florida Territory
    The Florida Territory was originally owned by Spain. While Andrew Jackson was there trying to stop Seminole indians from helping saves escape he managed to over take many Spanish forts and over throw the governer. After this the U.S. bought the Terrritory for five million dollars.
  • The Monroe Doctrine

    The Monroe Doctrine
    The Monroe Doctrine was introduced by president James Monroe. It stated that any Euopean nation who tries to colonize on any of the Americas will be seen as acts of aggresion and the U.S. will take action. This made it easier for Americans to move west.
  • Indian Removal Act and the Trail of Tears

    Indian Removal Act and the Trail of Tears
    The Indian removal act was an act that moved indians in the south into Oklahoma. So many people died on the trail that they named it the trail of tears. President Andrew Jackson is who signed the act. This was a bad time for indians and made America look bad.
  • Texas

    The Republic of Texas won there independence from Mexico. Some famous battles in the war was the battle of the Alamo and the battle of Golidad. Nine years after they won there independence they joined the United States. They wanted to join as a slave state and thats why it took nine years to join.
  • Oregon Territory

    Oregon Territory
    The Oregon territory was shared by America and Great Britian. The U.S. Wanted it to thmselves. So James K. Polk told Britian 50, 40 or fight. That meant that the U.S wanted all the land up to the 54 40 degres longitude line. They made a compromise and the U.S. took over at the 49 degrees longitde line.
  • Mexican American War and the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

    Mexican American War and the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
    The Mexican American War started in 1846. America fought to win the states of California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona and parts of New Mexico, Colorado and Wyoming. It ended one year and nine months later in 1848 with the signing of the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo.