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Marie Curie

  • Marie Curie was born

    Marie Curie is born Marie was born in Poland 7 NOV 1867
  • Education

    At 16, Marie won a gold medal for her outstanding success in secondary. (JAN 1, 1883)
  • Paris

    moves to Paris to work in Lippmann's research laboratory (JAN 1, 1891)
  • Experiments

    In 1895, using an electrometer that her husband Pierre and his brother had invented, Marie measured the rays emitted from uranium and thorium in mineral samples. (JAN 1, 1895)
  • Discover elements

    Marie and Pierre discovered polonium and radium. Henri Becquerel had recently discoverd radiation in uranium, and Marie dedicated her research to the isolation of elements to better understand radioactivity and its uses
  • Nobel Prize

    Marie won a Nobel Prize for Physics with Becquerel for the discovery of radioactivity. She became the first woman in France to earn a PhD in physics, and the first woman ever to recieve a Nobel Prize
  • Radium

    Around this time, Marie succeeded in isolating enough radium chloride to determine its properties, but found polonium impossible to isolate in its pure state
  • Nobel Prize- Chemistry

    Marie won her second Nobel Prize, this one in Chemistry, for the discovery of polonium and radium.
  • Death

    Marie died at 66 years old.
    She started to show signs of illness in 1911, and underwent several surgeries, but throughout her career she and her husband experienced fatigue, burns and various illnesses.