Marie curie 4

Marie Curie

By Mai15
  • Happy to be Here?

    Happy to be Here?
    Maria Skłodowska was born in Warsaw, in the Russian partition of Poland(Warsaw in modern-day Poland), on 7 November 1867, the fifth and youngest child of well-known teachers Bronisława, née Boguska, and Władysław Skłodowski. The elder siblings of Maria (nickname: Mania) were Zofia, Józef, Bronisława and Helena
  • Goodbye Sister

    Goodbye Sister
    in the year 1876 Maria's oldest sibling ,Zofia, had died of typhus.
  • Goodbye to you too Mother

    Goodbye to you too Mother
    Maria's mother died losing a five-year battle with tuberculosis when Maria was only ten,on May 1878.The deaths of Maria's mother and sister caused her to give up Catholicism and become agnostic, a person who neither denies nor believes in the existince of god.
  • Travel With Me

    Travel With Me
    Bronisława, maria's sister, invited Maria to join her in Paris. Maria declined because she could not afford the university's tuition.
  • I'm Here, Finally!

    I'm Here, Finally!
    Maria finally made her way to Paris where she enrolled at the Sorbonne in Paris.
  • A Masters Degree in Physics

    A Masters Degree in Physics
    Marie as a top student of her class completed her master's degree in physics in Paris.
  • Another Masters in Math

    Another Masters in Math
    Marie earns anothe masters in math
  • I Do

    I Do
    pierre Currie and Marie Curie got Married
  • Our First Daughter!

    Our First Daughter!
    Marie and Pierre had a daughter, Irene, in 1897, but their work didn't slow down.
  • polonium

    Working with the mineral pitchblende, Marie and Pierre discovered a new radioactive element in 1898. They named the element polonium, after Marie's native country of Poland. as well as radium.
  • Another Radioactive Element

    Another Radioactive Element
    Maria began a systematic search for additional substances that emit radiation, and by 1898 she discovered that the element thorium was also radioactive
  • It truly Exists!

    It truly Exists!
    In 1902, the Curies announced that they had produced a decigram of pure radium, demonstrating its existence as a unique chemical element.
  • Au Revoir Father

    Au Revoir Father
    In 1902 she visited Poland on the occasion of her father's death
  • I'm a Doctor?

    I'm a Doctor?
    In June 1903, supervised by Gabriel Lippmann, Curie was awarded her doctorate from the University of Paris
  • The First Noble Prize

    The First Noble Prize
    Marie and Pierre Curie both recieved their first noble prize
  • My Second Daughter

    My Second Daughter
    The Curies welcomed a second child, daughter Eve.
  • Au Revoir Husband

    Au Revoir Husband
    Marie's husband Pierre was killed in Paris after he accidentally stepped in front of a horse-drawn wagon.
  • The Second Nobel Prize

    The Second Nobel Prize
    Marie received another great honor in 1911, winning her second Nobel Prize, this time in chemistry.
  • The War Has Begun

    The War Has Begun
    When World War I broke out in 1914, Curie devoted her time and resources to helping the cause. She championed the use of portable X-ray machines in the field
  • Adieu World

    Adieu World
    Marie died of aplastic anemia, which can be caused by prolonged exposure to radiation