Marie curie c1920

Marie Curie

  • Family

    Marie Curie was born the youngest of 5 children.
  • Period: to

    Life of Marie Curie

  • Tragedy(No exact date just year)

    Tragedy(No exact date just year)
    Marie Curies mother died of 5 years of tuberculosis when Marie was 11.
  • School

    Marie couldn't go to the mens only university of Warsaw so ahe had to go to an underground school. Her and her sister wanted a degree.
  • A plan

    A plan
    Marie came up with a deal with her sister. She would work until she earned enoguh money for both of them to go to a university where they can get a real education and get a degree. Then later on her sister would pay her back.
  • Job

    She worked for five years (since 1886) as a governess and tutor.
  • School

    In 1891 Marie Curie finally got enough money to enroll in the university of Sorbonne in Paris. She was one out of two women in the science program.
  • pierre

    She met Perrie Curie in 1894
  • marrage

    She married Pierre Curie.
  • Graduation

    Marie Curie got her degree in 1897 from the university of Sobornne.
  • Irene

    Irene Curie was born.
  • Studies

    She and Pierre had a lab to study in.
  • discovery

    Marie and Pierre discover a new radioactive element. It is called Polonium. They also discovered a new radioactive elment called radium.
  • Nobel Peace Prize

    Nobel Peace Prize
    Marie and Pierre Curie won a nobel piece prize in physics for finding the components of radioactivity. Marie Curie was the first woman to win the nobel peace prize.
  • Eve

    Eve her second child was born.
  • Pierre's death.

    Pierre's death.
    Pierre curie died in 1906 because of a horse carriage accident.
  • Job

    Marie got her husbands job. She was the first female professor at the university of Sorbonne.
  • Nobelpeace prize

    Nobelpeace prize
    Marie curie won the nobel peace prize in chemistry. She was the only woman to win a nobel peace prize in two different fields.
  • Death

    Marie died because of her long exporsure to radiation she got lipemia and died.
  • Nobel Peace Prize

    Nobel Peace Prize
    After Marie trained Irene, Irene also won a nobel peace prize.