
Martin Luther King

  • His birth / Su nacimiento

    His birth / Su nacimiento
    Martin Luther King, Jr. was born on January 15, 1929 in Atlanta. He was the son of Baptist pastor Martin Luther King, and Alberta Williams King, a church organist. His father's name was Michael King at birth; At first he was named with the same name: Michael King, Jr. But on a trip to Europe that the family made in 1934, the father, during a visit to Germany, decided to change the names to Martin Luther in honor of the Protestant reformer Martin Luther.
  • His history / Su historia

    His history / Su historia
    At age 15, King Jr. entered a college for African-American youth from which he would graduate with a sociology degree three years later. He graduated in this discipline at the age of 22 and obtained the degree of doctor four years later, during this time texts and information from one of the people who would most influence his way of seeing and living life came into his hands: Mahatma Gandhi . In 1954, he was appointed pastor of the Dexter Avenue Baptist Church (Montgomery, Alabama).
  • His achievements / Sus logros

    His achievements / Sus logros
    King's accomplishments are numerous. Some of his most important achievements were: Non-violent social change due to his commitment to peace, non-violence and equality for all, the protests of Martin Luther King in favor of civil rights were able to make real progress in society and allowed King to contribute to the success of the civil rights movement. In addition, King was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.
  • Remember / Recuerda

    Remember / Recuerda
    Martin always wanted to leave a legacy, and this was his best way of doing it, he marked society in a positive way, leading peace as a guide. He fought for rights and equality in an unusual way for the time and that is why his name is carved in the history.
  • The after... / El después

    The after... / El después
    King fought for the rights of people of color until the day he died, so we can commemorate him as one of the most influential people in society in all of history and his name will always be remembered.