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Mass Media

  • Films

    When films or motion pictures came out people they were a big thing. But since it only made money off of ticked and not advertising income it didn’t make a negative impact on magazines.
  • Radio

    “ radio was rapidly becoming an important competitor for advertising appropriations; the gross advertising carried by the networks jumped from $4,000,000 in 1927 to $10,000,000 in 1928 to $19,000,000 in 1929”(Peterson) the radio was increasingly getting more popular.
  • TVs

    TVs made a huge deal in 1956 as it had 35 million sets sold it threatened radios a lot but not newspapers because they had 4 set colors.
  • Purpose

    The goal is to provide context and perspective on the increasing penetration of the World Wide Web and its effect on magazine reading habits
  • Tv

    The media mainly used newspapers and the radio to know what the news was or what was going on. But when the tv came out everybody started to use the tv.
  • Computers

    Computers became more popular in then 1980s but came out in 1940s. Many people began to get a computer for work or just for media purpose.
  • Sound recording

    Sound recording weren’t very threatening to magazines but they were to radios. As phonographs relies on people buying them like films.
  • Conclusion

    The idea of media is to show the news and the history that the news can carry on for the future others that want to look back on it.
  • To this day

    Mostly everybody has moved on from newspapers and radios and now everybody uses a phone or computer to get the news.