Matthew's unremarkable Journey

By tman16
  • The start

    The start
    The Roosevelt headed from New York to Cape Sheridan to start the journey.
  • Wishing Luck

    President Theodore Roosevelt wished Peary luck at Oyster Bay,NY on his sixth and final attempt to reach the Pole.
  • Men in Training

    Men in Training
    Matt began training the men in igloo building, dog driving, and survival at Cape Sheridan.
  • Ready to Go!

    They are ready to go to the Pole. Each man took one special possesion, and each sledge carried 450 pounds of supplies. That is enough for 50 days.
  • Pioneer the Trail

    Pioneer the Trail
    Borup and Bartlett left Cape Columbia to pioneer the trail.
  • The Leader

    At 6:30 the next morning the leader of the main group, Henson, waited for Peary's command.
  • The Big Lead

    Peary and Henson caught up with Bartlett at The Big Lead.
  • Still waiting

    On March 5, still waiting beside The Big Lead Matt saw the sun reappear a crimson sphere balanced on the brink of the earth.
  • Time to Cross

    It was - 45 degrees Fahrenheit and The Big Lead was frozen over and the men scampered across.
  • Turn to Go Back

    It as Ross Marvin's turn to go back Marvin congradulated Matt for continuing his wish to go to the Pole.
  • Uh-Oh!

    Henson and Peary caught up with Bartlett and his team of Eskimos when they were sleeping in their igloos beside a wide lead. A few hours later Matt heard a great grinding and crashing then the ice split with a shot, Bartlett and his team of Eskimos were on a loose floating island.
  • Bartlett's Turn

    Bartlett's Turn
    It was Bartlett's turn to go back he was dissapointed at not being able to go to the Pole with Peary, but he knew it was Henson who had to go. The Eskimos had a special treat boiled dog they repaired sledges and rested all day.
  • Safety Now!

    Safety Now!
    Ootah and Matt came to a lead Matt pulled the sledge across the runners broke through he hollered at the dogs to get them to safety Ootah grabbed Matt by the hood and pulled him out.
  • Hooray!

    Matt's calculations said they marched 100 miles since Bartlett turned back only 35 miles untill the crew was home!
  • Maybe? Maybe Not?

    Maybe? Maybe Not?
    Matt took more observations to make sure they were at the Pole Peary said "At Last," we will plant the stars and stripes at the Pole.
  • Finally!

    Matt and Peary were at Cape Columbia a days march away from the ship. and Peary hurried ahead.