Matt's Safe School Law

  • Schools asked to look at bullying issue

    The State Department of Education drafted a one-page policy to help schools look into the serious issue
  • Matt Epling ended his life after being bullied

    Epling was harassed and assaulted by upperclassmen as a form of hazing him for high school. A little over a month later, he ended his life.
  • Kevin Epling was asked to join the anti-bullying bill effort

    Kevin Epling gave the bill a name and an identity it didn't have before
  • A new anti-bullying policy was adopted

    The proposed anti-bullying legislation was used as a guide for the new policy to give schools without policies a starting place.
  • Matt's Safe School Law passed in Michigan Senate

    Last minute, a provision was added to the bill that stated it would not prohibit a statement of of sincerely held religious belief or moral conviction. This provision was very controversial and sparked national attention
  • Matt's Safe School Law passed in Michigan's state House

    This version of the bill is sans controversial religious language and requires all school districts to implement the policy