Media Technology

  • Jan 1, 1439

    invention of printing press

    invention of printing press
    this caused information to be mass produced because it wasn't being written by hand
  • The production of the first journals. The philosophical journal of the royal soceity

    The production of the first journals. The philosophical journal of the royal soceity
    This was the worlds first scientific journal and was produced for higher class people to read
  • First magazine published in london

    First magazine published in london
    This was considered the first general interest magazine. Meaning that it wasn't just for the elite few
  • First newspaper in the UK

    First newspaper in the UK
    This was the first reliable source of news for most people. common or rich
  • Telephone invented

    Telephone invented
    This made long distance communication a relaity but only the rich could afford them
  • Home telephones become available

    Home telephones become available
    This made it possible for people to have them in their own home
  • BBC begins broadcasting

    BBC begins broadcasting
    This opened up yet morepossibilities for people to receive the news
  • BBC begins broadcasting TV

    BBC begins broadcasting TV
    this was one of the biggest ways to get news out
  • Invention of the internet

    Invention of the internet
    This was the first time a person could be connected and send information anywhere over the world easily
  • Cable Tv widely available in the UK

    Cable Tv widely available in the UK
    This made it easier for everyone to be able to watch the TV
  • first mobile goes on sale in the UK

    first mobile goes on sale in the UK
    these where big things and exspensive so not many people had them although they made communication easier as you could talk on the go
  • satelite tv becomes available to the public

    satelite tv becomes available to the public
    this meant that everyone could watch hundreds of different television programs and get information from there
  • First text received

    First text received
    this made communication even easier. you could send someone a instant message without having to talk to them
  • Publicly available world wide web

    Publicly available world wide web
    This gave the public the power to find information and news from all over the world
  • 3G on mobiles

    3G on mobiles
    This gave people the ability to go on the internet wherever they where using their mobile
  • Web 2.0 emerges

    Web 2.0 emerges
    It was ability to have people connect all over the world and send files
  • 4G mobile available

    4G mobile available
    This was basicaly a hand held computer that was easily portable
  • Web 3.0 begins to emerge

    Web 3.0 begins to emerge
    The internet is advancing with such things as voice recognition software and the ability for anyone to write their own programs