Charles willson peale meriwether lewis 4765 20091113 large

Meriwether Lewis-History Tea

  • Meriwether Lewis is born.

    Meriwether Lewis is born.
    He was born in Ivy, a colony in Virginia. His mother was Lucy meriwether. She had an english ancestry.
  • Lewis's father died.

    Lewis's father died.
    His father died of pneumonia. Meriwether was sent to live with his uncle.
  • Lewis receives his first formal education.

    Lewis receives his first formal education.
    Meriwether Lewis had never received a lesson at a real school. Until he reached age 13 when his uncle sent him off to school.
  • Lewis Graduated from collage.

    Lewis Graduated from collage.
    Meriwether lewis graduated from Liberty Hall. It is now known as Washington and Lee University.
  • Lewis joined the Army

    Lewis joined the Army
    Lewis joined the U.S. army at age 21. He had already been in the virgina militia.
  • Lewis becomes presidential aide.

    Lewis becomes presidential aide.
    Meriwether Lewis is appointed to the aide of Thomas Jefferson. This is where he first got interested in politics. He also learned the more secretive politics of the U.S. army
  • Lewis leaves the army

    Lewis leaves the army
    Lewis had made it all the way from private to captain in his time in the army. he left because he did not like not helping to make the decisions.
  • The Louisiana Purchase is made.

    The Louisiana Purchase is made.
    The third president of the United states is Thomas Jefferson. He is probably best known for doubling the size of the United States. He bought the Louisiana territory from France.
  • Period: to

    The Lewis and Clark Expedition

    Thomas Jefferson appoints Meriwether Lewis the leader of the expedition across the country. He wants him to bring back many samples and notes about geological features to map out the area.
  • Sacagewea first joins the Corps of Discovery

    Sacagewea first joins the Corps of Discovery
    The wife of a french fur trader joins lewis and clark on their journey. Sacagewea is the unofficial native american guide on the Corps of Discovery.
  • Lewis becomes the governor of the upper Louisiana territory

    Lewis becomes the governor of the upper Louisiana territory
    President Thomas Jefferson appoints Meriwether Lewis the governor of the upper Louisiana territory. Lewis makes many reforms that are still in affect in some areas today.
  • Meriwether Lewis starts to got to Washington D.C.

    Meriwether Lewis starts to got to Washington D.C.
    Meriwether Lewis heads to Washington D.C. to explain some of his letters to Thomas Jefferson and to hopefully clear his name.
  • Meriwether Lewis died.

    Meriwether Lewis died.
    Lewis died of multiple gunshot wounds. He was found dead in a small tavern outside of Nashville, Tenesee.