Michael Walkers Timeline

  • 1st event

    1st event
    Lyndsey recieves care and comfort whenver she cries out for help. Her mother and father are very attentive to her needs and are usually on time with the care that they give lyndsey. Lyndsey is in stage 1 Trust vs. Mistrust. This is the time where Lyndsey is new to the world and has no idea who or what she can trust and not trust. The attentiveness and constant care that Lynsdeys parents give her will allow her to feel secure even when threatend.
  • 2nd event

    2nd event
    Lynsdey is now in school learning new skills at school and interacting with a large group of kids. Shewants to show that she is a good student and friend to her teacher and classmates. Lynsdey is now in stage 4 Industry vs.Inferiority. THis is the stage where Lynsdey wants to gain the approval of her large peer group and wants to feel accomplished. If this does not happen she might feel inferior to everyone else.
  • 3rd event

    3rd event
    Ihadtogo to a New school and it was right after i graduated middle school. I left all my past friends and people that i knew since elementary school. I changed a lot as a person as i left a environment that i had gotten used to to one where i was the outcast at first and had to slowly figure out who i wanted to be and what friends i wanted to make. This is stage 5 identity vs. role confusion. This stage is where a lot of people choose who they want to be.
  • 4h event

    4h event
    Right now I am currently in a relationship since February 23rd of this year. It has been one of the most rewarding,enjoyable,safest relationship outside of family that i have had. She makes me feel so comfortable in my own body and helps me be the person i hope to be one day. This is stage 6 intimacy vs. isolation. This is the stage where young adults find intimate relationships outside of family members. and if not could lead to deppression, isolation and loneliness.