Pink floral baby happy birthday instagram post

Language Milestones

  • Birth

    Bash was born on January 7th, 2014 at 7 lbs and 8 oz in Denton, TX.
  • Period: to


  • Distinguish Languages - Phonology

    Distinguish Languages - Phonology
    Bash was out with his mom and was able to distinguish between English and Spanish. Bash turned towards the Spanish language since the sounds were unfamiliar to him.
  • Begins to Distinguish Objects - Semantics

    Begins to Distinguish Objects - Semantics
    Bash is now able to hold and inspect two objects and begins forming object categories. While playing with mom, Bash is able to hold two toys and inspect them. Sometimes Bash will pick up two toys that look alike or have the same function.
  • Aware of surroundings - Pragmatics

    Aware of surroundings - Pragmatics
    Bash's mom is able to say his name and he will turn towards her. Bash is also aware of his family and surrounds and will react to unfamiliar situations. When out in public he will look around at other people as well as his surroundings.
  • Engages in joint attention (pragmatics)

    Engages in joint attention (pragmatics)
    Bash's mother shakes a rattle at Bash and talks about how loud, round, and colorful it is. Bash's gaze shifts back and forth between the rattle and his mother's face.
  • Emergence of primitive consonant-vowel combinations (phonetics)

    Emergence of primitive consonant-vowel combinations (phonetics)
    Bash has started to babble, but he is not yet repeating the same sound over and over. While lying in his crib, he experiments with drawn out CV and VC combinations like "baaa" and "ooom."
  • Name recognition (semantics)

    Name recognition (semantics)
    Bash is focused on looking at his mobile while his father changes him and talks him through the process. When he says Bash's name, Bash looks up at his father instead and smiles.
  • Variegated Babbling- Phonology

    Variegated Babbling- Phonology
    Bash’s babbling includes nonrepeating C-V combinations. While playing with his toys he is using variegated babbling by saying “babeebaa”.
  • Intentional Communication- Pragmatics

    Intentional Communication- Pragmatics
    While playing with his toys Bash wants a ball that is next to his mother, to let her know that he wants the ball he looks at the ball and then back to his mother.
  • Searches for partially hidden objects- Semantics

    Searches for partially hidden objects- Semantics
    When Bash is looking for his stuffed bear, he is able to find it partially hidden underneath his blanket.
  • Pointing with a Purpose - Pragmatics

    Pointing with a Purpose - Pragmatics
    Bash has begun pointing at objects throughout the house and will cry if no one hands it to them. To celebrate his birthday his parents had decorated with balloons, and Bash was instantly drawn to them when he saw them. He constantly pointed at them and when mom told him he couldn't have one he started crying.
  • Bash's First Word(s) - Phonology

    Bash's First Word(s) - Phonology
    Bash just turned one! When he looks at his mom he'll say "MAMA" and when looking at dad he'll say "DADA"
  • Follows Simple Instructions - Semantics

    Follows Simple Instructions - Semantics
    Mom has started noticing that when she calls for Bash to follow her to the room, he stops whatever it is he is doing and follows her.
  • Period: to


  • Uses Turn Taking in Conversation- Pragmatics

    Uses Turn Taking in Conversation- Pragmatics
    When Bash’s mom is talking to him and asks him if he wants to go outside, he waits until she is done speaking and says “Yeah!”.
  • Mini Sentences - Syntax and Morphology

    Mini Sentences - Syntax and Morphology
    Bash and his mom were at the park and he pointed at dog. Mom reported that Bash started saying "Doggy". At this point Bash is starting to use two words to identify object and people but is not able to pronounce correctly.
  • Uses at least 3 words to label familiar things (semantics)

    Uses at least 3 words to label familiar things (semantics)
    While his mother has him on her lap with a board book, Bash points to a picture of a ball and says "ba." Later, Bash says "Dada" while his dad gives him a bath and "wawa" when he kicks his feet to splash the water.
  • Pronunciation - Phonology

    Pronunciation - Phonology
    Bash has been expanding his vocabulary intents. Bash and mom were playing with bubbles and as Bash would hand back the wand he would said "need more bubbles"
  • Uses some verbs and adjectives (semantics)

    Uses some verbs and adjectives (semantics)
    Bash toddles after his mom while she talks on the phone, pulls her pant leg, and requests "me up!"
  • Uses Words to Answer Questions- Pragmatics

    Uses Words to Answer Questions- Pragmatics
    When asked what his favorite dessert is Bash responded by saying “Cookie”.
  • Requesting Milk - Syntax and Morphology

    Requesting Milk - Syntax and Morphology
    Bash was eating cereal and when he wanted more milk he said "More Milk". Bash also has started pointed at his toys and saying "mine". He is starting to combine to use two word phrases.
  • Understanding Simple Sentences - Phonology

    Understanding Simple Sentences - Phonology
    Bash has started answering yes or no questions by nodding his head. Mom asks him if he'd like to play with the ball and he'll turn and look for the ball and nods yes if he does.
  • Overextends words (semantics)

    Overextends words (semantics)
    Bash looks around at the ground while his mother gardens. He picks up a rock and identifies it as a "wock," a word his mother taught him when they started going outside together. He also finds an acorn and erroneously labels it a "wock" too.
  • Uses Imaginative Language- Pragmatics

    Uses Imaginative Language- Pragmatics
    While playing with his mom Bash picks up a remote and holds it up to his ear to pretend he is talking on the phone by saying “Hello? Dad? Bye”.
  • Prepositions - Syntax and Morphology

    Prepositions - Syntax and Morphology
    Bash's mom was getting ready to read to Bash and asked him where the book was. Bash pointed to a small table where the book was on top and said "in there". Bash has started to use prepositions but isn't using them correctly.
  • Adding Intonation to Questions - Phonology

    Adding Intonation to Questions - Phonology
    Bash has begun asking questions and is the most adorable when he adds the questioning intonation. He's favorite question right now is "Can I get chikie?" with the intonation when questioning.
  • Understands basic quantifiers (semantics)

    Understands basic quantifiers (semantics)
    Bash's family eats breakfast together. His mom asks if she can have one piece of fruit. Bash giggles and hands her one. She then asks if she can have all of his fruit. Bash frowns, shakes his head, and pulls his bowl closer to himself. He says "one, no all!"
  • Tying Shoe Laces - Syntax and Morphology

    Tying Shoe Laces - Syntax and Morphology
    While getting ready for the day Bash was putting his shoes on, but he was struggling with his shoe laces. Bash went to his mom and said "You do mommy". Bash has started to use the sentence structure of subject and verb.
  • Engages in Short Dialouges- Pragmatics

    Engages in Short Dialouges- Pragmatics
    When having a conversation with his mom Bash can stay on topic and stay interested in the conversation for a few turns. When his mom asks him what he is drinking he says “Milk”, then when she asks him if that’s his favorite thing to drink, he responds with “Yeah”.
  • Initial Consonant Substitution - Phonology

    Initial Consonant Substitution - Phonology
    Bash has been into cars lately and his parents got him a battery operated Jeep. When he want to ride on it he'll front the /j/ so instead of saying "jeep," he'll say "deep"
  • Asks simple questions (semantics)

    Asks simple questions (semantics)
    Bash has begun asking many information gathering questions (who, what, where, why). When he sees his mom with a plunger in the bathroom, he asks his dad "what Mommy doing?" Dad answers with "cleaning the toilet" and Bash asks the followup question "why?"
  • Expresses Feelings About a Situation- Pragmatics

    Expresses Feelings About a Situation- Pragmatics
    While at the park Bash’s mom asks him if he is having fun, he expresses his feelings by saying “Yeah! Love the park!”.
  • Cookies - Syntax and Morphology

    Cookies - Syntax and Morphology
    Bash's mom is making cookies at home. Bash and his dad are on the table and Bash says "Mommy, we want cookies". At this point Bash is able to use regular plural -s and also able to use the pronouns 'we, he, she'
  • Eliminating Phonological Processes - Phonology

    Eliminating Phonological Processes - Phonology
    Bash's phonological process have started disappearing. While playing with his dog, Suki, yesterday when he called for her mo noticed he actually said "Suki," instead of "Tuki."
  • Glidding - Syntax and Morphology

    Glidding - Syntax and Morphology
    Bash was playing outside with his dad when they found a rock. Bash looked at the rock and said "Daddy, don't touch that little grey wock." Bash is gliding when he says "wock" instead of "rock" which is common during this age since "r" is a hard sound to say. Bash is also starting to use longer noun phrases what saying "little grey" to describe the rock.
  • Understands the meaning of around 900 words and can follow two step directions (semantics)

    Understands the meaning of around 900 words and can follow two step directions (semantics)
    After getting home from a walk, Bash's dad asks him to put away the big flashlight, but not the little flashlight, in the drawer next to the door and set his backpack on the table in the kitchen. Bash is able to correctly do as instructed with both items.
  • Responds to Requests to Clarify- Pragmatics

    Responds to Requests to Clarify- Pragmatics
    When asked what his favorite movie is Bash says “Circus”, when asked what he meant by that he clarifies by saying “Greatest Showman”.
  • Mastering Speech Sounds - Phonology

    Mastering Speech Sounds - Phonology
    Bash has been getting better at pronouncing words, even his extended family understands what he says. His grandmother was in town for a while and he would spend hours talking and she didn't realize she actually understood almost everything he was saying.
  • Period: to


  • Creates Imaginary Roles and Props

    Creates Imaginary Roles and Props
    Bash enjoys symbolic play and pretend play. While playing with his toys he picked up a bowl and said he was the captain and that the bowl was the boat for his action figures.
  • Mastery of nasal phonemes (phonetics)

    Mastery of nasal phonemes (phonetics)
    Bash’s parents sing along to a song on the radio while they make dinner. Bash barges into the kitchen and demands, “Me sing too!” Bash continues to improve his intelligibility and speech sound output by showing proficiency with the GRE sounds n, m, and ng.
  • Pronoun Use - Semantics

    Pronoun Use - Semantics
    Bash has started attending preschool and when getting picked up from school he'll talk non-stop about his day. Today he was sharing he got to play with green shaving cream with his friends. He used the pronouns, "us," when talking about the teacher giving them shaving cream as well as the pronoun, "they," when he shared of the friends who started throwing the shaving cream on the floor.
  • Saying Name and Age - Syntax

    Saying Name and Age - Syntax
    At this point, Bash is able to say his name and age. He can speak with 3 to 4 words in a sentence. He is also able to use prepositions on, in, over and under. While out with friends Bash's mom's friend asked him "How old are you?". Bash responded by saying "My name is Bash. I am three years old."
  • Preposition: Next To - Syntax

    Preposition: Next To - Syntax
    Bash is able to understand what the preposition "next to" means. Bash's mom asked him to place the remote on the table. Bash responded "Next to the cup or the book?".
  • Begins to Use Primitive Narratives

    Begins to Use Primitive Narratives
    Bash can tell stories that follow a central theme and show cause and effect relationships, “Mom and I were at grandma’s house. Dad was at home. I fell in the backyard and grandma gave me a Band-Aid.”
  • Suppresses cluster reduction phonological process (phonology)

    Suppresses cluster reduction phonological process (phonology)
    Bash drops his spoon on the floor when he is eating cereal and laments "Oh no! My spoon!" Both his parents are surprised and proud that he no longer says "poon" or "soon" and can produce consonant blends more often.
  • Understands WHY- Semantics

    Understands WHY- Semantics
    Mom has started noticing that when she asks Bash any "why?" questions, Bash actually stops to think about how he'll understand mom. While getting ready for dinner last night, mom asked Bash why he hadn't washed his hands yet. He stopped, looked at his hands and tried explaining to her that they were out of hand soap.
  • Using Pronouns - Syntax

    Using Pronouns - Syntax
    Bash is now starting to use the pronouns they, us, hers, his, them and her. While Bash and his dad were out in the mall, he noticed some people gathered by a stand. Bash turned to his dad and asked, "What are they doing?"
  • Uses More Indirect Requests

    Uses More Indirect Requests
    While playing with his mom Bash says “I’m hungry” which is an indirect request for his mother to make him lunch.
  • Continues to demonstrate weak-syllable deletion (phonology)

    Continues to demonstrate weak-syllable deletion (phonology)
    Bash asks for a banana for snack time by saying "I want a nana!" This is a phonological process that is not expected to disappear until he is 5, but his parents can tell he has been doing it less often recently.
  • Understands Relational Words - Semantics

    Understands Relational Words - Semantics
    Bash has began Summer Camp at his preschool and came back sharing his experience at Disney World. During circle time, Bash was able to share with his friends the different rides he was able ti ride. Bash used the words "big" and "little" when talking about the rides hight requirements.
  • "What are you doing?" - Semantics

    "What are you doing?" - Semantics
    Bash has started understanding "what are you doing" questions. Mom made cookies one night and when he smelled the cookies in the oven he came to mom and asked her "what you doing?" Later when the cookies were already taken out and left on the counter to cool, mom walked in the kitchen to find Bash reaching for a cookie and asked him what he was doing. He quickly stopped and told her he wanted a cookie.
  • Conjunctions - Syntax

    Conjunctions - Syntax
    Bash is no able to put two clauses together with the conjunctions and & because. While out playing, Bash's mom asked Bash what toy's he would like to play with. Bash responded, "I want my teddy and my doggie".
  • Tells Two Events in Correct Order

    Tells Two Events in Correct Order
    While Bash is talking to his dad about what he did with his mom at the park, he retells what they did in the correct order by saying “We played on the slides and then went to the swings”.
  • Exhibits mastery of most consonants (phonology)

    Exhibits mastery of most consonants (phonology)
    Bash is playing with his vehicles in the living room while his parents sit on the couch. He asks his mom if she can roll his garbage truck to him and she notices he is now consistently able to pronounce the word "twuck" instead of saying "dwug" as he usually did before.
  • Complex Sentence - Syntax

    Complex Sentence - Syntax
    At around 46 moths Bash is now using object complement clauses. Instead of saying "I think that I want nuggets" when dad asks him what he wants for lunch, Bash is now able to say "I think I want nuggets". Showing the early development of a complex sentence.
  • Refines Speech to Ensure Listener Has Background Information

    Refines Speech to Ensure Listener Has Background Information
    When telling his dad about his day with his grandma and how they got ice cream Bash says “I got nuts, grandma didn’t” then adds “She’s allergic” to explain further.
  • Use of Plurals - Semantics

    Use of Plurals - Semantics
    As Thanksgiving gets closer, Bash has been learning about the traditions and all things related to Thanksgiving. When showing mom his turkey from art mom told him she loved the colorful "feather" he put on his turkey. Bash quickly corrected her and told her his turkey has "feathers" of "different colors."
  • Rhyme awareness (phonology)

    Rhyme awareness (phonology)
    Bash is looking for his teddybear and asks his dad if he has seen it. His dad tells him that his bear is in the chair and points to it. Bash turns toward the chair, pauses, and then excitedly declares "dose words whyme!"
  • Irregular Past Tense - Syntax

    Irregular Past Tense - Syntax
    Bash has started learning irregular past tense verbs but he tends to over generalize. Yesterday when is mom asked what he took to school last week, Bash said "I brang my backpack and lunch" instead of saying "I brought my backpack and lunch".
  • Theory of Mind

    Theory of Mind
    Knowing that his mom doesn’t like spiders, when Bash and his mom see a spider Bash says “Mom don’t look! You will get scared!”
  • Alliteration - Phonology

    Alliteration - Phonology
    Bash is now starting to say words that start with the same sound. While Bash's mom was making s'mores, he started saying "Mommy made magic marshmallows".
  • Understanding Basic Shapes - Semantics

    Understanding Basic Shapes - Semantics
    While playing at school Bash has begun understanding basic shapes. During playtime, his teacher observed him playing Legos so she asked him to make a heart out of the Legos, and he quickly got to work and made her a heart.