Milestones in the Early Childhood Profession

By Cindywt
  • Jan 1, 1534

    Martin Luther (1483--1546)

    Martin Luther (1483--1546)
    He translated the bible from Latin to German. He believed in universal education and wanted to teach all children how to read. This has transformed into a national priority.
  • John Comenius (1592-1670)

    John Comenius (1592-1670)
    Wrote Orbis Pictus, the first picture book. He spent a majority of his life teaching and writing books. Comenius believed that education should occur through senses and early in life. Teachers now realize that learning should be taught from easy to difficult.
  • John Locke (1632-1704)

    John Locke (1632-1704)
    He is best known for his theory that the mind is a blank tablet, meaning that the environment and experiences form the mind. He believed that children develop depending on the way their caregivers stimulate them.
  • Friedrich Froebel 1782-1851

    Friedrich Froebel 1782-1851
    Froebel founded the kindergarten or "Garden of Children" and believed that children can and should learn through play so he developed "gifts" and "occupations" to help them learn.
  • Maria Montessori (1870-1952)

    Maria Montessori (1870-1952)
    Montessori believed that children learn mainly through sensory. She believed that in order to teach, one must first respect the children. Many caregivers follow her teachings.
  • NAEYC is founded

    NAEYC is founded
    The National Association for the Education of Young Children is founded. To this day, there are more than 60,000 members and 300 affiliates.
  • Howard Gardner

    Howard Gardner
    Believes that intelligence is not a single ability, but a set of nine abilities. This has influenced teachers to individualize curriculum in order to meet the intelligences of the children.
  • Erik Erikson (1902-1994)

    Erik Erikson (1902-1994)
    Believed that life is a series of eight stages. Each stage is a critical period of development. He also believed that how a caregiver interacts with a child will determine how they develop emotionally and cognitively.
  • The Preschool for all Initiative

    The Preschool for all Initiative
    President Obama passed an act that created high quality preschool nationwide. This allows education for children who are not yet in grade school.