
Modern World History- Rachel Giibson

  • Period: Jan 1, 1350 to

    European Renaissance and Reformation

    The rebirth of art, education and literature. There was the development of the philosophy of humanism which emphasized the importance of individual achievement. It ended Christian unity in Europe and left it culturally divided. Protestant churches flourished and new denominations developed. The Catholic Church's political and moral authority declined and gave power to individual monarchs and states.
  • Period: Mar 9, 1450 to

    Age of exploration

  • Oct 31, 1517

    Martin Luther- Reformation

    Martin Luther- Reformation
    Luther posted his work "95 Theses" on the Wittenburg church door. His ideas spread quickly. Teachings consisted of criticizing giving indulgences that pardoned sinners, people could only win salvation from faith in god's forgiveness, not good deeds. Church teachings should be based on the bible's words, not the popes or church traditions. All people with faith were equal so no one needed the priest to interpret the bible for them. He's important because he sparked the Protestant Reformation.
  • Apr 26, 1519

    Ferdinand Magellan- spain builds an empire in America

    Ferdinand Magellan- spain builds an empire in America
    A Portuguese explorer who was the first to circumnavigate (sail around the world) even though he died in the Philippines. Supplies and food got scarce so his crew of 18 out of originally 250 returned home, telling people of their travels and finding the new route. He's important because he was the first European to cross the Pacific Ocean and found a strait that separated South America from the Terra Del Fuego called the Strait of Magellan and proved the world was much larger than people knew.
  • Sep 6, 1520

    Suleyman the lawgiver/Magnificent- Ottoman empire (muslim expansion)

    Suleyman the lawgiver/Magnificent- Ottoman empire (muslim expansion)
    A superb military leader who conquered Belgrade in 1521, Hungary and Austria in 1526 and Tripoli in North Africa which meant he managed trade routes to the interior of the continent. Since Suleyman dominated such a vast empire including central Europe and Asia as well as North Africa he created new codes of law to handle criminal and civil actions. He developed the devshirme system where boys from Christian territories were drafted for the sultan's army and trained to be loyal janissaries too.
  • Dec 2, 1520

    Hernando Cortes- spain builds an empire in America

    Hernando Cortes- spain builds an empire in America
    A Spaniard explorer who conquered the Aztec empire after landing in the Caribbean shore. He defeated the Aztec emperor Montezuma with the help of several factors. Help from the natives like Malinche who was a translator, superior weapons, and diseases that wiped out natives. The conquistadors (conquerors) wanted gold and the lands of what is now South America. He's important because he expanded Spanish rule by conquering Mexico and gaining wealth from Tenchtitlan's gold.
  • Jul 10, 1536

    John Calvin- Reformation

    John Calvin- Reformation
    In 1536 John Calvin published "Institutes of the Christian Religion" expressing that men and women are sinful by nature. He expanded on Luther's idea that humans can't earn salvation. He believed in predestination which means god knew who was going to be saved from the start. This religion is called Calvinism. He ruled a city in Geneva Switzerland with strict rules. Anyone who preached different doctrines would be burned at the stake yet to many protestants it was a model city of moral citizens.
  • Dec 13, 1545

    Council of Trent- Catholic Reformation

    Council of Trent- Catholic Reformation
    Pope Paul 3 called a meeting in northern Italy (the council of Trent) as a step in reforming the Catholic Church. From 1545 to 1563 catholic bishops agreed on doctrines including the bible and church traditions were equally important, indulgences were valid but banned the selling of them, Christians needed good works and faith for salvation, not just faith and the church's interpretation of the bible was final. In 1559 the next pope made the "Index of Forbidden books" listing "dangerous" books
  • Sep 25, 1555

    Peace of Augsburg- Reformation

    Peace of Augsburg- Reformation
    A feud between protestant and catholic German princes broke out. King Charles V went to war with the protestant princes (who supported Luther's beliefs) and defeated them in 1547. But he failed to force them back into the catholic church so in 1555 they signed a treaty agreeing that each prince would have authority to decide what religion each of their states were. It was important because it was a temporary settlement of of religious conflict within the Holy Roman Empire.
  • Nov 24, 1559

    John knox- Reformation

    John knox- Reformation
    An admiring visitor to Geneva who was a Scottish preacher. He enforced Clavin's idea's upon return to Scottland in 1559.Each community church was governed by elders called presbyters. John Knox's followers became known as Presbyterians. In the 1560's Knox's protestant followers made Calvinism Scottland's official religion. He's important because he promoted Protestantism during the Renaissance and helped spread Calvinism.
  • Shah Abbas-Safavid emipre (muslim expansion)

    Shah Abbas-Safavid emipre (muslim expansion)
    Created two new armies that were loyal to him alone. One was a Persian army and the other was modeled after ottoman janissaries and equipped both with modern artillery. He reformed government by punishing corruption severely and promoting loyal and competent officials. He was important because he brought Christian religious orders to show he was tolerant of other religions and as a result brought Europeans that brought industry, art exchanged and trade.
  • Akbar the Great- Muhgal empire (Muslim expansion)

    Akbar the Great- Muhgal empire (Muslim expansion)
    Great military leader, used cannons to defeat walled cities and turned potential enemies to allies by appointing Rajputs as officers. As a Muslim continued to promote cultural blending by allowing people to practice other religions, marrying Hindu princesses, abolishing tax on non-Muslims, permitting natives or foreigners to rise to high governing positions. Akbar was important because he welcomed cultural blending and it influenced language, art, literature and architecture.
  • Louis XIV (Sun King)

    Louis XIV (Sun King)
    Louis became king at four but Cardinal Mazarin was the true ruler who ended the Thirty Years War in 1648. When Mazarin died Louis took control at 22. He weakened the power of nobles by excluding them from his councils. He increased intendants (collected taxes, administered justice) power and central power by making local officials communicate with him regularly.In 1685 he cancelled the Edict of Nantes (protected huguenots. He was important because he was a prime example of an absolute monarchy.
  • Treaty of Westphalia- absolute Monarchs in Europe

    Treaty of Westphalia- absolute Monarchs in Europe
    The Peace of Westphalia ended the Thirty Years war, included these consequences:
    1. Weakened the Hapsburg states of Spain and Austria
    2. Strengthened France by awarding it German territory
    3. Made German princes independent of the Holy Roman Emperor
    4. Ended religious wars in Europe
    5. introduced a new method of peace negotiation- all participants meet & settle problems of a war & decide the terms of peace
    Recognized Europe as group of equal independent states
    Most important result of war
  • Period: to

    Enlightenment in Europe

    Scientific discoveries like Copernicus's heliocentric theory, the telescope challenged the ideas of the church but promoted the Scientific Revolution. Philosophers believed people could apply reason to all aspects of life.
  • Peter the Great- Czar Peter I (absolute rulers of Russia)

    Peter the Great- Czar Peter I (absolute rulers of Russia)
    Westernized Russia by introducing potatoes, started a newspaper, raised women's status & forced nobility to westernize appearance. He westernized Europe by setting the Holy Synod to run the church under his control, reduced the power of landowners by hiring low ranked families & granted them land & positions of authority, modernized his army with European leader, tactics & weapons etc. He won St. Petersburg seaport from Sweden to gain a piece of the Baltic Coast to promote education and growth.
  • Industrialization

    Railroads- cheap transportation, created jobs for workers and miners, boosted agriculture and fishing industries, encouraged country people to take far city jobs
    Steam Engine
    Modernized cotton industry by speeding up textile process with technology which lead to factories
  • Maria Theresa of Austria- Central European Monarchs Clash

    Maria Theresa of Austria- Central European Monarchs Clash
    Her father Charles VI (6) convinced European monarchs to let her rule Austria because he had no male heir. Maria asked Hungarian troops to fight against Prussia, they had to give up Silesia (Austria's richest region) but Europe saw she had diplomatic skill. Maria limited the power of local authority & gave it to the crown, set taxes for ten years so they had a steady supply of money, made the army bigger and better trained, limited landowners power, set up public schools and increased farmland.
  • Montesquieu- enlightenment

    Montesquieu- enlightenment
    Montesquieu was a french political analysis who called the division of power among branches separation of powers. His idea became part of his most famous book, "On the Spirits of Laws" in 1748. He proposed separation of powers would prevent any one person or group from gaining total control over the government later called checks and balances which became the basis of the U.S constitution.
  • Period: to

    The Industrial Revolution

    The time period where aspects of life like business, work etc and their process of manufacture changed from agriculture based to mechanized based. This brought many positive and negative changes. It led to a better quality of life for some but caused immense human suffering fr others who were forced to work in factories.
  • Napoleon Bonaparte- French Revolution

    Napoleon Bonaparte- French Revolution
    French military & political leader. Formed the Coup d' Edat (overthrew the directory/government). Formed the consulate, named himself first consul. Crowned himself emperor. Creates Napoleonic code-all men equal before the law, allows freedom of religion but restricts freedom of speech & restores slavery. Issues lycees (government public schools for children) & concordat (recognized influence of church but rejected control in national affairs) & fixes economy. Many mistakes contribute to downfall
  • Period: to

    French Revolution

    The period after the Enlightenment which promoted the natural unalienable rights that all humans should enjoy, The declaration of the rights of man supported democratic principles based on equal opportunity and a representative government. It was partially led by Napoleon Bonaparte because he expanded much of the European empire.
  • Klemens Von Metternich

    Klemens Von Metternich
    Hes important bc he was the Foreign minister of Austria & most influential of the representatives at Congress of Vienna.
    3 goals: prevent french aggression by surrounding it with strong
    1. countries
    2.restore balance of power
    3.Legitimacy- restore royals to the throne
    Holy Alliance- leaders base country on christian principles to combat revolution
    Concert of Europe- Metternich ensured nations would help each other if revolutions broke out
    I chose him bc he was key to repairing Europe after rev