Roxanne pompilio

Module 1.2.1 Project: Strategic Planning

  • Technology Needs Analysis Survey

    Technology Needs Analysis Survey
    Certificated staff technology needs survey administered. Quick survey of 5-10 questions identifying immediate technology training needs. Administer and assess needs during three day staff professional development prior to the start of school.
  • Period: to

    School of Creative and Performing Arts (SCPA) 12 Month Timeline

    Timespan follows the traditional school year but includes summer for additional planning, teacher, counselor, and administer training.
  • New Teacher and New Staff Training on SCPA LMS, SIS, and DATA System

    Optional workshops for new teachers and staff new to SCPA:
    1. Getting up and running on MBC
    2. Taking Attendance, Designing Seating Charts, and Grade Set-up on PowerSchool
    3. Getting to know your students/beginnning of the year data collection using Illuminate
  • Strategic Planning—Key Stakeholders

    Strategic Planning—Key Stakeholders
    Technology Committee Strategic Planning Meeting—Identify teachers, administrators, parents, students, district point of contacts, and community members; develop plan for outreach.
  • Program Definition

    Identify project leader, instructional team (Sub-committee from Instructional Leadership Team), administrative leaders who will receive iNACOL online, blended, and competency-based learning training and opportunities at the iNACOL conference.
  • Revision of SPSA to Align with LCAP and Technology Integration

    Revision of SPSA to Align with LCAP and Technology Integration
    Address the need to revise the SPSA to align with district LCAP and to include technology integration at the next SCC meeting (Oct.22, 2015). Currently only Digital Citizenship and Literacy is included.
  • iNACOL Blended and Online Learning Symposium

    iNACOL Blended and Online Learning Symposium
    Project leader, instructional team, and administrative leader attend iNACOL Blended and Online Learning Symposium.
  • Identify Blended Learning Model, Strategies, Courses, & Teachers

    Selection of Blended Learning Model, content, instructional strategies and assessment, courses, and teachers to develop and implement blended learning content. Agree on a platform unique to blended learning (The LMS MBC will end June 2016, so look at alternatives).
  • Develop and Issue Blended Learning Content/Platform Provider

    Develop and Issue Blended Learning Content/Platform Provider
    Devleop and issue blended learning content/platform provider RFP (unless district provided); plan for blended learning teaching role; mid-year check/audit of devices, additional bandwidth needs (combine this with SBAC Readiness for 2016); identify Year 5 i21 classroom device implementation and readiness of Year 4 i21 classrooms and Year 2 upgrades, and develop communications plan (post plan on school website).
  • Plan for Data Collection and Integration

    Plan for Data Collection and Integration
    Plan for data collection on LMSs that teachers are using and integration of SIS and blended. Develop observation tool for integration of blended learning.
  • Educate Stakeholders, Broaden Outreach, and Draft Budget

    Educate Stakeholders, Broaden Outreach, and Draft Budget
    Educate stakeholders about blended learning program, broaden outreach, and draft budget. Create PD for horizontal team leaders and department chairs.
  • Review Budget Design for Online/Blended Site

    Review budget design for an online blended site that will accommodate learning needs of students and program goals.
  • Setup Technical Support for and from students and review SPED Needs

    Setup Technical Support for and from students and review SPED Needs
    Setup routine support for and from students, and review special education considerations.
  • Training for Counselor and Teachers

    Training for Counselor and Teachers
    Select and begin PD for teachers unique to blended learning; train counselors and graduation coach.
  • Select Blended Learning Content Provider (unless district chosen)

    Select blended learning content/platform provider unless SDUSD is providing this. Refine budget, depending on whether or not content/platform provider is being provided by the district.
  • Research PD for Blended Learning Instruction and Con't PD

    Research PD for Blended Learning Instruction and Con't PD
    Research PD for blended learning instruction (include time and develop tentative calendar); Continue teacher PD and mentoring with a focus on special education accommodations, 504, and ELL support.
  • Student Blended Learning Course Selection

    Student Blended Learning Course Selection
    Students log into Naviance to enroll in courses (teacher and counselor recommendations and selection).
  • Plan for Data Collection, Integration of SIS and Blended Platform

    Plan for data collection. Research use of data dashboard. Integration of blended platform and SIS unless this is being controlled by the district.
  • Continue PD for New and Experienced Teachers, and PD for Parents

    Continue PD for New and Experienced Terachers, and add PD for Parents (Include as part of the Parent Involvment Plan)
  • Explore storage options for MBC content before its retired

    After adopting new LMS, transfer MBC teacher content to new system.
  • Finalize Blended Learning Content Provider, Training, and Budget

    Finalized Blended Learning Content Provider unless provided by the district. Finailize additional teacher PDs, and refine/update budget.
  • Student Orientation—Blended Learning

    Student Orientation—Blended Learning
    ASB, teachers, and counselors will provide an orientation course (one per grade level).
  • Plan Teacher Summer PLC Retreat and Finalize Tech Support Plan

    Eslablish PLC among teachers, parents, counselors, and administrators. Plan summer PLC retreat. Finalize Tech Support Plan and Technology Committee for the 2016-2017 school year. Develop gamified PD levels and digital badges for teachers and administrators.
  • PLC Retreat

    Week long PLC retreat combine with SCPA Launch Week (date may change due to start of the school year changing for 2016-2017). At retreat, finalize studnet/parent/eacher handbook (note this is being revised this year, so it will only need minor updates). Develop communication plan and Face-to-Face Blended Learning Orientation for students during launch week. Develop program evaluation plan and continued teacher support plan.
  • Post-launch Debrief

    Debrief launch week, PLC retreat outcomes, and blended learning orientation.