Monarchy in Quod Magna Statum

By ElijahB
  • Period: to

    King Allister Government Reform

  • Fall of the House of Lords

    The Aristocrats were all Assassinated in attempt to defend our nations exhausted efforts to defend the flag.
  • Rise of the New KIng

    Rise of the New KIng
    A man emerges from the ashes of our land to take power. His name is Allister Dunbar. He claims divine right by birth of his mother, Wife to Aristocrat John Dunbar, by being the only child not stillborn of the 6 times she had been pregnant.
  • Inauguration Day

    Inauguration Day
    King Allister had the attention and faith of his country, and nobody questioned his sudden upbringing to the ruler of the land
  • Bellum

    a rebellion group tried to revolt against the nation launching a campaign of rebellious acts that only lasted two days before dispersing.
  • Speeches

    King Allister has the whole nation under his command, so his public speeches and political conversations have to be heavily censored.
  • Unity

    King Allister promises unity and wealth and rebuild for their country
  • Religion

    The people worried that a lack off religion or forced religion would occur.
  • The people

    As King Allister grew old the people would question whether or not their would be a successful heir.
  • Struggle

    King Allister struggles to maintain control of his country, and the people who would help him maintain his country would be the people who become prosperous in this society. Therefore those who help are prosperous.
  • Bill

    King Allister imposes a bill that makes the cost of a Monarchy cheaper than any other gov.
  • Feudalism

    King Allister made it his persoal quest to diminish the feudalistic views in the land. He wanted to spread his ideas of human qualities and personal achievement