Monetary and Fiscal Policies From 2007

  • 2007 personal savings

    2007 personal savings
    Personal Savings Rates began to decrease in 2007 to approximately 2.5% in 2007. This was a result of the competitive stock market in the United States.
  • 2008 budget deficit

    2008 budget deficit
    The budget deficit for the United States was at approximately $410 billion. This amount increased from 2007, because Obama's presidency began this year, and he began using more of the government's money than President Bush.
  • 2009 Federal Debt

    The federal debt in 2009 increased to $10.6 trillion. This debt increased, because Obama began taking office a year prior, and his healthacre reform took more money from out government, causing an increase in our debt.
  • Budget

    2010 Was By Far the Deadliest Year for U.S. Troops in Afghanistan—One American Killed Every 18 Hours America had extremely poor planning people and budget wise. This should not be acceptable at all and the fact that it was so many loses is even worse. America should be more cautious about sending people out.
  • American Foundation for the Blind Leadership Conference- Leadership

    Leadership URLAmerica took a step towards allowing people that are blind to have more of a say and an easier more accessible lifestyle. This happened in downtown Chicago and encourages all to have equal rights.
  • 2015 Federal Debt

    2015 Federal Debt
    The federal debt for the United States is currently at $16 trillion dollars. The healthcare reform using money from our government to offer inurance to lower class families is one of the reasons behind this.
  • 2015 Trade Deficit

    The difference between the amount of exports and imports. The U.S. is a large exporter but an even larger importer which isn’t as healthy for our economy.
    March imports were $239.2 billion
    March exports were $187.8 billion
  • 2012 GDP

    2012 GDP
    The GDP increasesd from 1.6% to 2.3% in 2012. The presidential campaign and business fiscal created business uncertainty, causing an increase in GDP. Superstorm Sandy also hit the east coast that year.