
By Bniles
  • Start

    In 9000 B.C we were to use animals like cows or sheep for trade.This is where the evolution of money began.
  • 1200 B.C

    Cowrie is one of the oldest used form of money. It was originally used in 1200 B.C .Cowrie is a type of shell found in shallow waters like the a Pacific Ocean. It is still used in africa as a from of currency
  • 1000 B.C

    In china bronze and copper remkaes of the cowrie were made.Not soon after we broke free of the shells and made the first round, metal coin.
  • 500 B.C

    In 500 B.C they would start to make new forms of coins made of silver. then could compress them and stamp them with images of gods and emporers
  • 118 B.C

    In china they were starting to produce such things like leather money. Which was a one foot square of white deerskin wih colored borders.
  • 800-900 A.D

    In ireland Danes, they would slit the nose of those who wouldn't pay the poll tax
  • 806.

    Like most of our currnecy, the first paper note came up in china.They would use this new from of currency for the next 500 yeras before everyone else.
  • 1500

    Potlach is a large ceremony that started from the indian tribe called the Chinook .They would usually trade gifts, aswell as dance, and feast on delicouse meals.The party began to grow with greater gifts and bigger feast.
  • 1535

    wampum also known as bead necklace. Was used by north americans in 1535.
  • 1816

    Gold has been made the standard of england .Officially 84 years before america was able to make gold its standard form of money.
  • 1930

    THe massive depression in 1930, let to the demise of the gold based economy.And Britain soon followed by dropping the gold baased economy.
  • The present

    todays currencey is a thin paper like how we have the 1 dollar bill.
  • The Future

    With technology growing, we will eventually become an electroniclly based ecomonic system. Similar to how we have the apple pay.