

  • Italian Combat Squad

    Italian Combat Squad
    Creation of it as an alternative to socialism.
  • Biennial Rustle

    Biennial Rustle
    Social period discord known as the Biennial Rustle. It was when Mussolini's paramilitary fascist black shirts publicly sparred with socialists and other groups.
  • National Fascist Party

    National Fascist Party
    The Combat Squad became the national fascist part and Mussolini won a seat in the Italian Chamber of Diputies.
  • The march on Rome

    The march on Rome
    The march on Rome resulted in the fascist part seizing power.
  • 40th Prime Minister of Italy

    40th Prime Minister of Italy
    Mussolini became the 40th Prime Minister of Italy and the youngest at that point.
  • The start of a dictatorship

    The start of a dictatorship
    Mussolini made himself dictator and took the title of ill duche or the leader.
  • Latter impact of 1929

    Latter impact of 1929
    The treaty where it was settled the long-standing dispute between Italy and the roman catholic church and created the independent state of Vatican City.
  • The Ethiopian War

    The Ethiopian War
    In the 1935s the Ethiopian war resulted in that country's seizure by the Italian Empire.
  • Friendship with Franco and Hitler

    Friendship with Franco and Hitler
    Mussolini sent aid to the Spanish dictator Francisco Franco in the Spanish Civil War.
    This pushed Mussolini closer to Nazi Germany's dictator Adolf Hitler.
  • The anti-semitic manifesto of race

    The anti-semitic manifesto of race
    He adopted the anti-semitic manifesto of race.