my biography

  • my birth

    I was born on november 22, 2003, in the city of Cali
  • I start my studies

    I start my studies
    I started my studies at the Divina Enseñanza School
  • own house

    own house
    when I move with my family to our own house
  • change of school

    When I was 6 years old, I changed schools and started studying third grade at the liceo nueva era
  • my dog

    my dog
    I had a dog for the first time and it was very emotional since I used to be afraid of dogs
  • soccer training

    I started training soccer in a team named Cordoba FC
  • my first match

    my first match
    I had my first official match on a soccer team
  • I graduate from elementary school

    I graduate from elementary school
    finish my studies in elementary school, I stuidied for the years, in the same school
  • trip to another country

    trip to another country
    I met another country for the first time and it was on a trip to Ecuador
  • high school

    I changed schools once more to study my high school at the Donald Rodrigo Tafur school
  • team change

    change football team to start training at Univalle
  • san andres

    san andres
    I met the island of San Andres and it was an unforgettable experience
  • stop training soccer

    I stopped training because I had a fracture playing soccer in my left forearm
  • waiting for my graduation

    waiting for my graduation
    I have a few days left to graduate and I hope to be able to achieve it and thus continue with my studies at the university