My life timeline

  • I was born

    I was born in Ibagué-Tolima in the Minerva Hospital. My mom is Jenny Hernandez and my dad is Cesar Tafur
  • I started school

    I started school, when I was 2 years old in the comfenalco school. My aunt was go for me all days, because my parents work .
  • I started a swimming class

    I started a swimming classes when I was 5 years old in tolima's dolphin club. I won many competitions.
  • I learned to play violin

    I learned to play violin when I was 7 years old in the Conservatorio of Tolima. My mom studied violin too.
  • I graduated

    I graduated of primary in the Normal Superior, I had many friends.
    I graduated when I was 10 years old.
  • I traveled

    I traveled to Argentina when I was 14 years old, because my orchestra was invited to a congress of orchestras Iguazu in concert.
  • I got a job

    I got a job when I was 15 years old in a fast food restaurant
  • I graduated

    I graduated of the school when I was 16 years old, I made the icfes
  • I started university

    I started my biomedical career in the Autonoma University of Manizales
  • I traveled

    I traveled to Miami because i went visit a old friend, i meet many people and places. I was scared because i never traveled alone and the traveled was long.