My Life and Times Timeline

  • Columbine Shooting

    Columbine Shooting
    Two disturbed students at Columbine High School in Colorado shoot up a school killing 12 people and injuring 21. Students Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold were the shooters, commonly picked on and “bullied” was enough to compel them to bring weapons to school and open fire even on those that had no connection to the two. Columbine has led to many safety precautions taken by schools all over and laws that help control the distr
  • 9/11

    On September 11, 2001 four commercial airliner jets are stolen by members of al-Qaeda with two flown into The World Trade Centers in New York City, one flown into the Pentagon in Washington D.C., and one crashed into a field in Pennsylvania. 2,996 people died in the attacks and with over 10 billion dollars in damage. George W. Bush declares war on terrorism shortly after the attacks, sending military efforts to the Middle East.
  • First African-American President Elected

    First African-American President Elected
    Barack Obama, a Democratic senator from the state of Illinois wins the 2008 Election defeating republican John McCain becoming the 44th president of the United States. His election is special because he is the first African-American to ever become president. Barack campaigned using slogans such as “Hope” and “Yes We Can”, along with iconic blue, white, and red campaign posters of himself.
  • Death of Michael Jackson

    Death of Michael Jackson
    Michael Jackson, the so called “King of Pop” dies of cardiac arrest and it is found that his personal physician was behind the death of Michael and is convicted of involuntary man slaughter and is sentenced to two years in jail. His death sparked a time of mass mourning as people all over the world grieved over the death of one of the most iconic musicians of all time. Michael Jackson’s time was cut short as he was supposed to continue onto a world tour but was cancelled because of his death
  • BP Oil Spill

    BP Oil Spill
    An oil rig ran by BP in the Gulf of Mexico blows up allowing huge excess amounts of oil to be spilled into the ocean. The spill causes massive wildlife death and destruction of coastline all over the Gulf Coast. BP is fined a record setting 42 Billion in fines and has to perform a massive cleanup effort of the gulf coast as well as being suspended from continuing other oil rigs off the American Coasts.
  • Death of Osama bin Laden

    Death of Osama bin Laden
    Osama bin Laden, leader of al-Qaeda behind the terrorist attacks of 9/11 and the number one most wanted person in the world by the United States. After years of being chased and tracked Osama’s position is finally pinpointed, Seal Team 6 and other special operations soldiers are sent into his compound in Pakistan in the cover of the night. Osama is killed and after confirming his body in Afghanistan he is buried at sea. Al-Qaeda also confirms his death vowing to avenge it.
  • Occupy Wall Street

    Occupy Wall Street
    In 2011, in response to the income disparity in the U.S. and economic inequality in general protesters camped out in New York City and all over the nation protesting for economic equality. The protests were inspired by the anti-austerity protests in Spain. Protesters wanted reduced corporation influence on politics, more balanced distribution of income, more and better jobs, and bank reform.
  • Sandy Hook School Shooting

    Sandy Hook School Shooting
    A 20 year-old man named Adam Lanza drove to Sandy Hook Elementary School after murdering his mother at her house then killing 20 children and 6 adult staff members then taking his own life before police could get to him. This is the deadliest school shooting in the United States and it has been the reasoning behind many new gun control laws. With this atrocity also many more precautions have been taken by many schools in order to never let this happen again such as tightening up security and pla