my life so far

By _orió_
  • Birth

    i was born at the clinica bofíl, in the 5/8/2007
  • start school

    istarted school, a little bit scared, but with a little bit of hope to. my school was the bosc de la pabordia school
  • start basketball club

    i started playnig basketball a the Sant Josep club
  • púrpura inmunitaria

    this is a type of sikness that destroys the platelets in your body, especialy in your arms. i missed the entire 3rd trimester that year, and every week i had a blood test and a vaccine. it was very peinful
  • death of my grandparent

    i felt horribly sad, because he always brouht me stuff, and that made him happy but i felt like i didn't give enough thanks
  • move

    me and my family moved to cassá, because our flat Girona was pretty much full, and in cassá we had my grandfather's house
  • start high school

    like with the school, i was a litle bit scared, but curious to see new people.