my Peru time line

By lfortin
  • 8000 BCE

    Potatoe's History

    Potatoe's History
    the humble potatoe's story began more than 10 000 years ago the stores of lake titicaca in present-day Peru the story is that the Inca Indians in Peru were the first to cultivate potatoes around 8,000 BC to 5,000 B.C.
  • sporting event

    sporting event
    paleta frontòn is a sport that is invented in lima in 1945
  • hight montain

    hight montain
    the high mountain Huascaran Debris avalanche occured on May 31 1970 when a debris avalanche and midflow triggered by the ancah earthquake destroyed the peruvian town of Yangay and.Ieaving up to 30000 people dead .It is the deadiest avalanche or glacier-related in history
  • famous people

    famous people
    Mario vargas Llosa is a writer he did his book fête au bouc in 2000
  • Maria Julia Mantilla

    Maria Julia Mantilla
    Maria Julia Mantilla was in the soap opera TV show. She was an actress, a dancer, and a teacher. She won the Miss World in 2004 in China.
  • Peru Earthquake

    Peru Earthquake
    In 2007, in Peru, there was an earthhquake in south-southeast of Lima. There were at least 595 deaths, and over 2290 people injured. It was 2 minutes long.
  • Largest Forest

    Largest Forest
    the word's largest rain forest ,the amazon is covers heraly half peru 2013 reseachers estimade there were 290 billon trees in the Amazon rainors ,divided into 16.00different trees.