My Technology Story

  • First AOL screen name

    First AOL screen name
    I was allowed to get create my own AOL screen name and message on AIM. At the age of 12, being able to message my friends from home all at once was a huge deal.
  • First Cellphone

    First Cellphone
    Right before entering into my freshman year of high school, my parents trusted me enough to buy me my own Nokia phone. I also learned this year that 100 text messages per month went by quickly.
  • First Personal Laptop

    During my childhood, my family had a desktop computer. While completing my junior year of high school, it stopped working and was never replaced. For my high school graduation present, my parents bought me a DELL laptop for college. It was my first personal computer.
  • We finally got WIFI!

    After two years having to go to my brother's house, Panera Bread, or Starbuck to do my homework while visiting home, my parents finally got WIFI. We were finally able to get a new gaming system (a Wii) and join the world of Netflix.
  • Jesse's Discovery of GoogleDOCs

    Jesse's Discovery of GoogleDOCs
    At this time, I was working as a personal tutor and homeschool teacher. I needed a way to work on my lesson plans while on the go. Discovering GoogleDOCs made my life easier because I could access all of my plans, activities, and other documents wherever I was from my iPad or iPhone.
  • Beginning Graduate School...Online

    On August 21, 2017 I began an online graduate school program. I have never take any online class, and I had never attended Marshall University. This has proven to be a new experience testing my technological abilities as well as my time management skills.