Napoleon Timeline

  • Italian Campaign

  • Egyptian Campain

    Established french power in Egypt, when Napoleon returned to france he was known as a great leader. The battle was a success.
  • Consulate

    The consulate was the French Government after the call of the directory, it lasted form 1799 to 1804, Napoleon named himself the head of this government. Napoleon ended up being successful with this.
  • Banque de France

    Napoleon crated the Banque de France was needed to foster the economic recovery after the French Revolution issue bank notes where were payable to the bearer on sight. Then the notes were exchanged for discounted commercial bills. The bank of France ended up being a success
  • Concordat of 1801

    Was an agreement between Napoleon, Papal and clerical representatives it Rome and Paris. It stetted the between the all the authorities and the secular athorutqys on matters which they all shared a mutual concern. ended being a Success.
  • Consul for Life

  • The Napoleonic Code

    The Napoleonic Code was Napoleons way of keeping France organized. He wanted to reform France and make a more understandable law system. The Napoleonic code was made up of 2,281 articles which was eventually divided into 3 books. In the end the code had no success.
  • Declared self emperor

    Napoleon's crowning took place at Notre-Dame. Napoleon crowned himself emperor because it showed the he would not be controlled by Rome or allow any other power have control over him than himself. It showed strength and reassurance to his allies. He appeared to be successful at first but later his power and popularity turned into a failure.
  • Battle of Trafalgar

    The Battle of Trafalgar was the most significant naval battle of the Napoleonic wars. During this Battle, the french and the Spanish lost 22 ships, the British lost none but the British commander lost his life. In the end the British had successfully confirmed the naval supremacy that Britain had during the eighteenth century.
  • Abolished The Holy Roman Empire

  • Continental System

    The Continental System was the foreign policy of Napoleon in his battles against Great Britain during the time of the Napoleonic Wars, it was used to weaken Britains economy by banning trade between the states or any allies with France. This ended being a failure in the grand scheme of things.
  • Resistance in Spain

    Napoleon had wanted to send reinforcements to the French army who were fighting in Portugal. So Napoleon invade Spain. This begun the start of the Peninsular War which was an important phase of the Napoleonic wars. Over all this was a Failure for Napoleon.
  • Invasion of Russia

    Napoleon crossed the Newman River in an attempt of invading Russia from present day Poland. The result was a disaster for France.
  • Battle of Nations at Leipzig

    Resulted in the destruction of what was left of the french powering in germany and Poland, was a failure.
  • Abdication

    In Paris the parliament forces napoleon to abdicate, he then asked the British government for protection
  • Hundred Days

    The Hundred days was the day from when Napoleon arrived in Paris aver escaping form exile on Elba and the date of the return of Lous XVIII to Paris.
  • Waterloo

    In the Battle of Waterloo, Napoleon was defeated by the British and the Prussians. The battle signified the end of his reign and the end of France's domination over Europe.