Napoleon bonaparte

Napoleonic Timeline

  • Napoleon, The French Revolutionary Army's greatest military strategists

    Napoleon, The French Revolutionary Army's greatest military strategists
    Napoleon Bonaparte was climbing high in the ranks of the French Revolutionary Army. When he came back from his Egyptian campaign he took the reigns of the French government and saved his nation from collapse.
  • Napoleon is crowned Emperor

    Napoleon is crowned Emperor
    In 1804 Napoleon had crowned himself Emperor of France. Pope Pius VII gave the crown to Napoleon then Napoleon proceeded to place on his own head.
  • Continental Blockade

    Continental Blockade
    Napoleon conquered most of europe and had a 2 year lasting war with England. Napoleon had become the emperor of France, The King of Italy, The protector of the german confederation and, many more important roles. Although England was still the controllers of the sea and world trade. Napoleon failed to attack England directly so he imposed a continental blockade on any of England's trade ports.
  • The Russian Campaign

    The Russian Campaign
    Russia declares war on France. The Russian tactics centered on refusing battle, disrupting the French forces and forcing them to spread. Napoleon invaded Russia with a force of 480,000, and in reserve another 120,000 soldiers. The French soon entered a city burned in flames. Russians had sacrificed it in order to destroy any supplies the French could have profited from. Napoleon thus began his retreat, but the terrible weather conditions meant that only 20,000 soldiers returned to France alive.
  • The Defeat

    The Defeat
    After Napoleon and his troops returned from Russia, a Russo-Prussian coalition was formed. Napoleon was defeated at the Battle of the Nations. Upon hearing the news of this defeat, Belgium and Holland rebelled while Austria, with the support of Murat, began re-establishing itself in Italy. And with Spain lost, France was all that remained for Napoleon.
  • The Emperor of Elba

    The Emperor of Elba
    After Napoleon's defeat he was exiled to the island of Elba and Louis XVIII was restored to power.
  • St.Helena and Napoleon Bonaparte's death

    St.Helena and Napoleon Bonaparte's death
    After his defeat, Napoleon was sent to St.Helena, a small isolated island in the middle of the South Atlantic Ocean. then in 1821 he passed on St Helena.
  • The battle at Waterloo

    The battle at Waterloo
    Napoleon landed at Golfe Juan, crossed the Alps and arrived in Grenoble where an army commanded by Ney awaited him. Napoleon took back possession of the Palais des Tuileries, abandoned the previous day by Louis XVIII, who had fled to Belgium. After defeating Blücher’s Prussian troops at Ligny he prepared for the decisive battle at Waterloo, Failure to contain Blücher and prevent him from rejoining Wellington, and staunch English and Prussian resistance resulted in Napoleon’s defeat.
  • How Should Napoleon Bonaparte be Remembered?

    How Should Napoleon Bonaparte be Remembered?
    Napoleon was and still is one of the greatest military strategist to exist. I believe Napoleon isn't different from any other emperor in past time. Power can take advantage of people's minds until it drives them insane. The time Napoleon spent at St.Helena wasn't spent planning his escape, It was spent thinking of what went wrong, what issues could have been easily resolved but weren't. So I believe Napoleon should be remembered as a young emperor who would rise and fell, As all things do.