National Period Group 1 Kline

  • Period: to

    National Period

  • Constitution into Effect

    Constitution into Effect
    Despite pleas from the Antifederalists, most states quickly adopted the Constitution. Delaware was the first to ratify the document, and within eight months, eight of the nine states required to launch the new government had ratified the document. Mid 1788 the ninth state required ratified the constitution. In May of 1790, the last state ratified the constitution.
  • Neutrality Proclamation

    Neutrality Proclamation
    The Neutrality Proclamation of 1793 was a formal announcement made by President George Washington. It declared the United States neutral in the conflict between Great Britain and France. The proclamation threatened legal proceedings if any American was caught providing assistance to either countries.
  • Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions

    Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions
    The VIrginia and Kentucky Resolutions were statements penned by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison to mobilize opposition to the Alien and Sedition Acts, which they argued were unconstitutional. Thomas Jefferson's statement, the Kentucky Resolution, suggested that states should have the right to declare null and void congressional acts they deemed unconstitutional. Madison's statement produced a more temperate resolution, but most American's rejected such an extreme defense of states' rights.
  • Marbury v. Madison

    Marbury v. Madison
    In this 1803 landmark decision, the Supreme Court first asserted the power of judicial review by declaring an act of Congress, the Judiciary Act of 1789, unconstitutional. The case began when Jefferson told his Secretary of State, James Madison, not to deliver some of the commissions because he did not want people from the opposing political party to take office. Marbury was one who did not receive his commission and sued James Madison.
  • Lousiana Purchase

    Lousiana Purchase
    The United States aquired the Louisiana Territory from France in 1803 for $15 million. The purchase secured American control of the Mississippi River and doubled the size of the nation. While the American people responded enthusiastically to the news of the purchse, Jefferson himself was worried about the constitutionality of his actions. The purchase would eventually lead to the famous Lewis and Clark expedition.
  • Embargo Act

    Embargo Act
    The Embargo Act, signed by President Thomas Jefferson, was passed by Congress in 1807. During this time Britain and France were fighting each other for the control of Europe. In response to that, this diplomatic act was passed to stop all trade between America and any other country. The goal was to stop restricting American trade with Great Britain and to avoid war. The act ended in 1809 when it backfired and the American people suffered.
  • War of 1812

    War of 1812
    The War of 1812 is one of the most forgotten wars in American history. This particular war lasted for over two years and it ended in a stalemate. The importance of this war was that it confirmed American Independence. During this war, the United States failed to capture Canada. The British army was able to be stopped when they were on their quest to capture Baltimore and New Orleans. The American vessels were able to prove themselves superior to some of the British vessels.
  • Treaty of Ghent 1814

    Treaty of Ghent 1814
    The treaty of Ghent was the peace treaty that ended the War of 1812. This was between the United States of America and The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. This treaty was able to restore the relationship to what is known as the status que ante bellum. After this was signed on December 14, 1814, the battle of New Orleans was fought.
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    The Missouri Compromise was a sectional compromise in Congress during the year of 1820 between the pro-slavery and anit-slavery factions. It admitted Missouri into the Union as a slave state and Maine was admitted as a free state. The Missouri Compromise also banned slavery in the remainder of the area of the Louisiana Purchase territory that was above the 36 degree 30 line. This particular compromise was in the effort of Henry Clay. of also known as, "the great pacificatior".
  • Monroe Doctrine of 1823

    Monroe Doctrine of 1823
    President James Monroe made this key forgein policy in 1823. It declared that the western hemisphere was strictly off limits to any European colonization. In return the United States of America promised not to meddle in European affairs. It was stated that if European colonization were to occur in the western hemisphere, that would then require the United States intervention. The Monroe Doctrine was put into action when many Latin American countries were on the verge of gaining independence.
  • Tariff of Abominations

    Tariff of Abominations
    This protective tariff in 1828, or also known as a tax on imports, was motivated by several interest groups. It was designed to protect the industry of the northern United States. These industries were being driven out of business by low priced imported goods by puttin a tax on them. This tariff efected the antebellum southern area. This tariff resulted in a substantial increase in duties that angered many of the free southern traders.
  • Bank War

    Bank War
    President Andrew Jackson was attempting to destroy the Second Bank of the United States in 1832, which then was also known as the Bank War. Nicholas Biddle, the banks president, had tremedous control over the financial system including the only nationwide bank. President Jackson viewed the bank as a monopoly because it was a private institution by a board of directors. He vetoed the banks renewal charter in 1832.
  • Election of Andrew Jackson

    Election of Andrew Jackson
    The presidential election of 1832 was between Andrew JAckson, the democratic candidate, Henry Clay, the National Republican, and William Wirt, the Anti-Masonic canidate. Andrew Jackson won the election with 219 casted electorial votes out of 286. Andrew Jackson also won 54.2 percent of the popular vote, along with Henry Clay taking 37.4 percent and William Wirt finishing with 7.8 percent of the popular vote.