Native Studies

  • 2010 BCE

    Canada signs the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

  • 1999 BCE

    Nunavut is created in the western Arctic, with lands set aside where Inuit can live, hunt and control sub-surface resources.

  • 1984 BCE

    The Inuvialuit Claims Settlement Act gave the Inuit of the western Arctic control over resources.

  • 1984 BCE

    The last Indian residential school is closed in BC

  • 1982 BCE

    Constitution Act was Introduced

  • 1969 BCE

    The "White Paper" was introduced

  • 1960 BCE

    Status Indian were awarded the right to vote in Federal Elections

  • 1929 BCE

    Great deppretion began

  • 1928 BCE

    Sexual Sterilization Act is passed in Alberta, allowing any inmate of a native residential school to be sterilized upon the approval of the school Principal.

  • 1876 BCE

    The Indian act was created

  • 1875 BCE

    Treaty #5 was signed at Norway House

  • 1873 BCE

    Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Quebec and Ontario had been joined by the administration of BC

  • 1871 BCE

    Treaty 1 was Signed

  • 1870 BCE

    The first Residential school was opened

  • 1870 BCE

    Province of Manitoba was created through the Manitoba act

  • 1867 BCE

    British North American Act Gave the Federal Government responsibility for Aboriginals and their Land

  • 1857 BCE

    The Gradual Civilization Act is passed by the Legislature of Upper Canada, permanently disenfranchising all Indian and Metis peoples, and placing them in a separate legal categorys than citizens.

  • 1841 BCE

    Upper Canada and Lower Canada united to become the Province of Canada.

  • 1821 BCE

    The North West company, and Hudson bay company merge

  • 1781 BCE

    Another case of smallpox wiped out more then half the Piegan Blackfoots

  • 1776 BCE

    The Thirteen Colonies declared independence from Britan

  • 1763 BCE

    Royal Proclamation of 1763

  • 1754 BCE

    The French and British Fought in the French and Indian War

  • 1701 BCE

    39 First Nations tribes and the French government signed the Great Peace of Montreal

  • Period: 1689 BCE to 1697 BCE

    King Williams War took place

  • 1670 BCE

    the Hudson’s Bay Company is granted all lands that drain into Hudson Bay.

  • 1621 BCE

    One of the first treaties between the Colonists and the Natives was signed

  • 1616 BCE

    Smallpox virus killed Native American population in New England

  • Jul 8, 1524

    First Kidnapping was confirmed

  • The first Indian Reserve was established by the new Jersey colonial assembly

  • Major changes to the Indian Act were made, removing a number of discriminatory rules